
Monday, December 28, 2015

I Like Kind People

Has anyone ever shown you kindness for kindness sake?

Definition of Kindness = the state or quality of being kind; good will; grace; tenderness; compassion; humanity; gentleness; goodness; generosity; favor.

One Christmas, when I was about 11 years old, my cousin Daniel received three Survival Knives. To be honest, I was jealous.  I wanted one but that certainly wasn't what I received as a gift that year. No, instead of a survival knife, I ended up with socks, underwear and undershirts. Lucky me.  

Apparently Daniel saw the disappointed look in my eyes and was moved with kindness to give me one of his. this day...that is one of the best memories I have of KINDNESS!  Guess what?  I still have that survival knife!!!!!!! 

Do you have a memory of kindness?

In the Bible, the story that I can't get enough of is in 2 Samuel 9 where David shows kindness to Mephibosheth.  He asked, "Is there still anyone who is left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?"

That question showed the heart of David.  He's asking, "What can I do for someone else?" 

David had kindness in him...and what was in him came out because of his covenant relationship with his friend/brother Jonathan.  

You see, Jonathan had a crippled son who was hiding in the land of Lodebar. Mephibosheth knew full well that any decedents from the previous king were to be executed since they were considered a potential rival to the throne.  I'm sure the knock on the door caused fear in Mephibosheth's heart because he realized that he was no longer hidden from David.  The Bible says that Mephibosheth fell on his face in the presence of David.  According to the custom of the times, Mephibosheth had a lot to fear from David. Yet his fear of David was not founded in fact, only on assumption.

David removes the fears of Mephibosheth!

  1. Do not fear!
  2. I will surely show you KINDNESS for Jonathan your father's sake!
  3. I will restore to you all the land of Saul!
  4. You shall eat bread at MY TABLE continually!

Mephibosheth was happy to know that David didn't want to kill him.  To have a PROMISE like this was almost unbelievable!

The beautiful part of this story will always be that as long as Mephibosheth sat at the table of David, no one could see his lameness! 

Friend, when you and I stay at the King's table, we receive the same covering!  

It's important that you know 
who's table you're sitting at...
your future depends on it!

Today, I encourage to show KINDNESS to matter what they look like, how they act or what they've done!

This is what Jesus did for you!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Our Greatest Gift

Christmas is such a special time for our family.  We get together and exchange memories, laughter and gifts. Our conversations naturally point to our present day happenings as well as old memories and stories we love to hear told again...and again...and again.  

I'm thankful for a Christian family.

When we come together, there is harmony, love, prayer, encouragement and lots of talk about JESUS. Not just Jesus...the babe in the manger...but JESUS...the Savior of the world.

As I sit here awake, in the early hours of Christmas morning, MY HEART IS FULL as I think about how Jesus brought the promise of unconditional love, hope and eternal life to every person who believes in Him.

I'm just as excited about SHARING Him with people as I am with sharing earthly gifts with my little family on Christmas morning!

Who will you share Jesus with?

Sharing Jesus is a practical part of my life.  I don't have to be caught up into a spiritual frenzy to "feel" the need or the "unction" to witness about my Savior. I merely just have to live my normal everyday life and the JESUS in me will shine through in everything I say, everything I do and everywhere I go.

  • Sharing Jesus isn't pouncing on people with religious jargon's and "churchy" language.
  • Sharing Jesus isn't trying to impress people with how many Scriptures you have memorized or how many "old testament" feasts and festivals you keep.
  • Sharing Jesus isn't accompanied with a list of "do's & dont's."
Sharing Jesus is offering unconditional love to people who have hurt you, wronged you or even offended you.  It's saying, "the same Jesus that loves me...loves you!" 

Sharing Jesus is lending a helping hand to someone who is experiencing loss, lack or has reached their limit.

Sharing Jesus is turning your weakness into worship! It's praising God in the midst of your trials and tests without losing your testimony!  

Sharing Jesus is choosing to be better not bitter! It's taking your broken pieces and allowing God to make something beautiful out of it

Sharing Jesus is letting your life speak. You won't even have to tell people that you follow Christ...they will see Christ in you and begin to follow too.

I challenge you to SHARE JESUS today and every day after.  Look for ways to make a positive impact in someone's life. Perhaps through your smile, a kind gesture, a huge favor, or a pat on the shoulder.  In time, the gift in you will be requested and you'll have the perfect opportunity to give the GREATEST GIFT...JESUS!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

From Now On!

Perhaps you've thought about reasons to STOP because you can't think of a reason to CONTINUE.  My must think of a reason to START OVER!

There's a difference in GIVING up and STARTING over.  Your new beginning has to begin with the words "FROM NOW ON..."

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to let the things you cannot control GO!
    Honestly, most of things in your life today are there because you keep thinking about them.  To get the POSITIVE...often you have to distance yourself from the NEGATIVE.  Stop clinging to the memory of what HURTS and make room for what HEALS.  Refuse to let what is out of your control interfere with all the things you can control.

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to REJOICE rather than REGRET! Whatever has happened was FOR you not TO you. I believe that God is working ALL THINGS for your good. God is working these things at His SCHEDULE and I've learned that He is seldom early but never late. Friend, for everything you LOSE, you GAIN something else.

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to REST and REJOICE!
    Jesus chose to retreat to the mountain after He learned of the death of John the Baptist. Strength isn't about bearing a cross of grief it's about choosing your path and learning from the experience. Friend, regardless of the MESS that people may try to put you through...continue to do your BEST!  The good news is that the experience has taught you WHAT NOT TO DO as well as what to do.

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to take RISKS!
    Changes aren't easy and can sometimes be scary. But do you know what's even scarier? REGRET. I've learned that most of your fears are bigger in your mind than they are in reality.  Friend, don't let fear stop you! Face it and move on! Live your life so that you never have to regret the chances you never took, the love you never let in, and the gifts you never gave out!

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to keep CLIMBING!
    How do you get to the top of a mountain? One step at a time!  Good things come to those who WORK for them!  You gain confidence and strength with every experience in which you truly PUSH yourself to do something you didn't think you could do! As long you're standing in the place of "in-between", unable to or unwilling to move forward, you'll never see the VIEW from the top!

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to SMILE through the STRUGGLE!
    Nothing is more beautiful and powerful than a smile that has struggled through the tears!  Don't regret your TIME, even the moments that were filled with HURT!  Choose to SMILE because you have learned from it and gained the strength to rise ABOVE it. In the end, it's not what you have been through that defines who you's how you GOT THROUGH IT that has made you the person you are today, and the person you are capable of being tomorrow!
Believe are STRONGER because of the STRUGGLE!  What you went through PREPARED you for the PROMOTION you're now enjoying.  


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Help! I need a jumpstart!

A big shout out to Joe from @autozone In Avon, IN for helping me change my battery today. He went above & beyond while providing me with excellent customer service. As someone who works with people everyday, I appreciate quality service when I receive it.
I thought about that battery and how we have to get a check up once in a while to make sure our power level is what it is supposed to be. In addition, we have to get rid of the corrosion that sometimes builds up in our life and causes a loss of power and even deadness to our purpose.

Attending church, reading the Bible, worshiping Jesus, fasting and prayer and even giving of our time talent and treasure…are all routine maintenance items we have to do to stay in tip-top performance.
Today is Wednesday… It's not a question on whether I will attend church this evening. I will have my family with me in the house of God because it is the appointed time even if I have to come late. It's a choice I make every week, not because I'm a pastor… but because I'm a Christian and my priorities keep me on point even when I need a jumpstart from time to time.
Attending church doesn't make me a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes me a car...however...Christians go to church.
How are things in your life? Are you taking care of your spiritual life? Do you have some unfinished business that you need to deal with? Well, put your best foot forward & do what you know to do.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Be A Barnabas

Let's take a look at mentorship in the life of Barnabas. As we look at his life we discover that...

Barnabas was the ideal mentor because he was an ENCOURAGER. 

He was part of the multitude of believers who were of one HEART and of one SOUL (Acts 4:32-35).  

There was a spirit of SHARING among them, but Barnabas was especially noted for his GENEROSITY. (Acts 4:36-37).

His name was Joses, but he was nicknamed “Barnabas” which means “SON OF CONSOLATION.” 

Consolation means “the act of emboldening another in believe or course of action, encouragement, exhortation.”

  • Barnabas did something in emboldening others to act in a similar manner.   
  • He did something that was an encouragement, a help, an example to the other Christians.
  • The apostles were amazed by his spirit and his example and called him the basically “THE ENCOURAGER.”

From Barnabas, we learn that if we are going to mentor others, we must be willing to:

  • ENCOURAGE others to and MOTIVATE them to serve the Lord especially with the Word of God.  
    Hebrews 13:22
     And I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation: for I have written a letter unto you in few words.

  • Set a GOOD EXAMPLE for others to follow. 
    1 Corinthians 11:1 
    Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

  • GIVE generously of what we have to help others. 
    2 Corinthians 12:15
     And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.

  • Mentors are willing to TRUST when others won’t.

  • Mentors are willing to TAKE RISKS when others are afraid.

  •  Mentors BELIEVE when others doubt.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 
4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 

If we are going to mentor and disciple leaders, we must be willing to HELP those that no one else will help, BELIEVE in those that others won’t believe in, and TAKE RISKS on people.

Barnabas sought out and believed in Saul when others did not.

Saul was not trusted by the disciples at Jerusalem (Acts 9:23-26).  Running for his life from the Jews at Damascus, He came to Jerusalem.  But the church there would not let him join them because they were afraid of him and did not believe he was a true disciple.

Barnabas REACHED OUT TO SAUL when no one else would (Acts 9:27-31).  He took a risk and brought Saul to the apostles.  He told them how he had seen the Lord in the way, how the Lord had spoken to him, and how he had boldly preached at Damascus in the name of Jesus.  The apostles accepted the word of Barnabas, and Saul was with them COMING IN and GOING OUT at Jerusalem.

From Barnabas, we learn about BELIEVING in people.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Punctuality of a King (Part 1)

Suppose you're the big cheese - King, CEO or guest of honor.  If someone else comes late to dinner, his dinner is cold.  But the dinner can't start without you, so if you come late to dinner, everyone else's dinner is cold too.  

Lack of punctuality by the king imposes a cost on everyone else.  Showing up on time is courteous to others...and it actually is a way of showing that the welfare of other people...matters to you. 

Is punctuality serious? Evidently not, for some. On the other hand, it is valued highly by others.

"PROMPTITUDE" is not only a duty but it is also good manners. It positions you with favor and increases your reputation and influence.


"I give it as my deliberate and solemn conviction 
that the individual who is habitually tardy in meeting 
an appointment, will never be respected 
or successful in life." - W. Fisk


Should Leaders be punctual? YES.  
A LACK of PUNCTUALITY sends the following message....

  • A lack of punctuality is a THEFT of someone else's time.
    • An employee who is continually late for work is STEALING their company's time.
    • Friends who agree upon a time to meet, but don't show up on time are trampling someone else's time under foot.
  • A lack of punctuality is a lack of RESPECT for others.
    • Most of us would never be late for an appointment with The President of the United States or a boss at work.
    • If we HONOR others better than ourselves, we will make it a point to be on time when meeting with them.
  • A lack of punctuality violates the GOLDEN RULE.
    • Matthew 7:12 states that we are to treat others as we would want to be treated.
    • Suppose you were teaching a class, and half the class was consistently late?  How would that make you feel about the time you spent preparing?
  • A lack of punctuality is a violation of the GREATEST COMMANDMENT.
    • We are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and STRENGTH. (Mark 12:30)
    • Consider this...when we are late for meetings/appointments to worship God or to learn about God, it may be an indicator that God is not really as important as whatever it is that is causing to be late.  Of course, not all tardiness can be helped...but when we are habitually late, we must examine our attitude towards The Lord. 
    • If you are normally on time for other appointments but are usually late for worship or prayer...then consider your heart and whether you have TARDINESS OF THE SOUL. (Some might consider that as backsliding.)

  • A lack of punctuality is a loss of POWER.
    • The best plans in the world, the greatest intentions and the potential for increase are all sacrificed because someone is "ALWAYS LATE."
    • There are some people who always fail in whatever they undertake simply because they are always "BEHIND TIME."
    • Consider this...five minutes in a crisis is worth YEARS. Five minutes could be the difference between saving your finances and future.
    • If there is one VIRTUE that should be cultivated more than another it is PUNCTUALITY.
    • If there is one ERROR that should be avoided, it is being consistently LATE.
  • A lack of punctuality causes a loss FELLOWSHIP, SERVICE and REVELATION.
    • When you're late, you miss time to connect with the very people God wants to use to PROMOTE you or NETWORK you into your future.
    • The opportunity to be of SERVICE, should there be a last minute need, is lost when you're late.
    • The opportunity to HEAR some POINT, some TRUTH, that was presented prior to arriving lost.

Have you squandered opportunities 
due to a lack of punctuality?

Monday, November 16, 2015

You'll be 100% When You Learn To Be Content

What do you need to be HAPPY?  Some might say "people, places or possessions." Is happiness derived from JUST those things?

Some think that to truly be happy in life you need: 
  1. Someone to LOVE 
  2. Something to DO  
  3. Something to HOPE for
Honestly, I think those things are pretty spot on. However, we have a way of frustrating ourselves and relationships when we look for happiness where it doesn't exist - unrealistic goals, things, short-lived friendships or even trying to impress the wrong people.

HAPPINESS and CONTENTMENT aren't pills you take.  They are life choices you make internally and externally based on experience, security, desire and outlook.

10 Pitfalls That Lead To Discontentment

  1. People Pleasing - You end up getting hurt when you lose yourself trying to please everyone else.  You'll never be able to please everyone! At some point, you're going to have to hold on tight to who you are and not worry about losing the grip of others.

  2. Looking for the Easy Way - Honestly, you'll be happiest when you put the pedal to the metal and meet the rubber where it meets the road. That means, you have to be willing to do what no one else is doing. Being willing to work hard for your dreams will separate you from the day dreamers and will define you.  It's really the difference between living and existing!

  3. Insisting on Guarantees - To get to where you want to be, you have to tear walls down and build more bridges. You have to take CHANCES. RUN instead of walk. If you're going to be successful, you will have to be a DREAMER, a BELIEVER and a COURAGEOUS and CHEERFUL thinker!  The people that impress me the most and inspire me to dream lofty dreams of my own are POSITIVE MOTIVATORS, PRODUCTIVE DOERS and GO-GETTERS!

  4. Competing with Everyone - You'll wear yourself out trying to compete with everyone else! You don't have to be smarter, richer or more attractive than the person next to you. Honestly, the people who aren't COMPETING are ENJOYING life because they're not near as worn out trying to race around to be better than everyone else. Listen...if you're going to compete with anyone...compete with yourself!

  5. Being in Control - Friend...quit trying to control every aspect of your life.  RELAX and RIDE the path that life has you on and you'll discover a new found FREEDOM! It's when you take your hands off of everything that is insignificant and uncontrollable that you get to experience more of the GOODNESS in life!  I've begun to realize that it's often the UNEXPECTED SURPRISES that arrive when you are FLEXIBLE and OPEN to life's twists and turns.

  6. Event Driven - It's the small things that have the most meaning in our everyday life. Sometimes, we focus on the BIG EVENTS like weddings, graduations, parties, birthdays, anniversaries and vacations...but these TIMES PASS because TIME PASSES. Learn to take joy in the small, everyday the smile of your kids, the satisfaction of a home cooked meal or the fresh feeling of a manicured lawn.

  7. Relationship Affirmation - We need RELATIONSHIPS...but happiness and contentment originate from WITHIN.  We cannot rely on the external validation of other people to achieve happiness.  When we become co-dependent on other people to achieve our affirmation, we become vulnerable and easily hurt because of INSECURE FEELINGS. Never give people POWER over you.  Be at PEACE with who you are or you'll never be CONTENT with what you have or who you're with. LOVE yourself FIRST.

  8. Never Disagree - Honestly, as long as there are people, there will be DIFFERENCES of OPINION. That's OK. There will be times you'll see things differently from others and you will need to voice your opinion.  That's OK too.  However, it is not OK to be disrespectful in doing it. Effective communication is paramount! You have to talk it out sometimes.

  9. Past Possessed - Some people act like their past experiences were better than they actually were.  They look at the present like it's horrible and they consider the future to be fair at best.  That's not the way to look at things.  If everything that comes out of your mouth is "yesterday, yesterday, yesterday" then you need to shift gears quickly. Learn to appreciate your PAST without reliving it, handle your PRESENT with confidence and face your FUTURE without fear!

  10. Be Happy 24/7 - Really? That's not going to happen. Think about can't be HAPPY unless you're UNHAPPY sometimes. Life is life and you're not always going to be on top of HAPPY MOUNTAIN. It's normal to fluctuate from day-to-day, month-to-month and even year-to-year. If you think you're supposed to be HAPPY all the'll end up feeling DISILLUSIONED.  Friend...even when life is stressful, you still have a CHOICE in how you respond.

Just do your best and take life one day at a time.  Limit the amount of complaining you do and be GRATEFUL for the little things that mean a lot!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Just as one applies sunscreen to protect from harmful rays, SMART CHURCHES use a membership class that helps to screen out church (s)hoppers by stating up front the mission, vision, structure, strategies, and membership expectations.

Churches are built and sustained by people who have attached themselves to a dream, vision, strategy, etc., for reaching their community and world. Their personal dream comes to pass because they are under the umbrella of a corporate dream.  (Don't believe me? Ask Joseph.)

Our focus must always be "fresh fish!" (Matthew 28:19-20) 

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

I'm not interested in building a church with transplants from other churches...been there done that. (Not interested in repeating.)  I'm interested in training the group, I do life with, how to REACH the lost and DISCIPLE those they WIN to Christ.

Not everyone who comes to your church from another church is trouble. Some people come because they "buy in" to the dream of your vision. They see themselves attached to it and want their seed-line exposed to the same philosophy.

But SOME people come because: 

  • They couldn't sustain a healthy existence where they were previously, 
  • Have baggage, 
  • Are trouble makers, 
  • Couldn't or wouldn't be corrected, 
  • They don't know where else to go, 
  • Want a position, 
  • Have a problem with their previous church or pastor...and the list goes on.
Believe me...if they come to your house talking about their woes from another won't be long till they're sitting at someone else's desk talking to THEM about YOU the same way. I have a solution for this... "Keep it moving!"

You can never build with people who aren't sons. 

Sadly, time and time again I see pastors trying to LURE people to come to their church by offering them a position or a promise. won't work or last.

Sons are BORN in not HIRED in.

IF an individual doesn't have the heartbeat of the house...they will leave the first time PRESSURE is applied. (In the form of correction, direction, assumption, etc.)

The problem I see in the fish bowl is that we have too many pastors/leaders trying to build their churches/ministries with people that God never said build with.

The bottom with people who have the same heartbeat as you. Anything other than that with throw you and your church into arrhythmia.

I love ALL people and welcome anyone who comes to our church. But honestly, if they are too continue with us it will be because they have BOUGHT INTO THE DREAM, which exceeds the personality of the pastor, and have made it their own. Then and only then will you see longevity and fruitfulness in their tenure.

Focus on the people you have.  Raise them. Train them. Use them.  Everything you need is already in your house. If not, God will SEND you what you need in the right SEASON for the right REASON.  If you try to make it happen in the flesh, you'll end up with TREASON.

When interviewing people, who start attending your church, ask them "why are you here?" Believe me...the response you get from that direct question will tell you everything you need to know.

Use a membership class that helps to screen out church (s)hoppers by stating up front the mission, vision, structure, strategies, and membership expectations.

You can't build with (s)hoppers. Stop trying to.

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Spirit of Honor

God wants you to live long & be healthy because the longer you live, the more IMPACT & INFLUENCE you can potentially have. God wants you to have influence because He wants mankind, His sons & daughters to know Him & make Him known. If we die young & have no influence, we do not have or engage in the privilege to extend our/His legacy on the earth.

God wants to bless you. God wants to honor you. God wants you to be prosperous & live a long, healthy life, which is His gift to you. It is what we do with our life, that is our gift back to God. The enemy of your soul, does not want you to get HONOR, because he doesn’t want you to give HONOR. Your enemy the devil, does not want you to be “well off” nor does he want you to “live long!” His goal is to take you out, make you ineffective & to be cursed with insignificance!

Understand today: the enemy cannot do anything about YOU giving & showing honor. Dishonor becomes a tool from the devil being able to stop the purpose & progress of God in your life. You can change your life…your circumstances & most importantly your future, by getting a SPIRIT OF HONOR back in your life.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015


As you look back on your life, you will often realize that many of the times you thought you were being rejected from something good, you were in fact being redirected to something better.  

You can’t control everything.  Sometimes you just need to relax & have faith that things will work out.  Let go & just let God.  Because sometimes the truths you can’t change, end up changing you & helping you grow.

Vision without action is a daydream & action without vision is a nightmare.

It’s crazy how you always end up where you’re meant to be – how even the most tragic & stressful situations eventually teach you important lessons that you never dreamed you were going to learn.  Oftentimes when things felt like they were falling apart, they were actually falling into place. 

Your dream/vision will come to pass if you determine to outlive, outlast & outplay your hesitance, hindrance & haters! 


Thursday, May 21, 2015

In Alignment, Out of Alignment

Building a church is COMPLEX for us but CONCISE for Jesus. He said "I will build my church." (Matthew 16:18)
At the Genesis, I think we must work on building ourselves, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to get HEALTHIER in our THINKING, SPEAKING & LIVING.
If we can start with our HEART and our HOMES it will flow naturally into whatever we set our HANDS to...both in secular work and in ministry work.
How HEALTHY are you? (Big question...loaded question.)
  • Physical body?
  • Spirit man?
  • Relationships with your spouse, kids, family, leaders, church family, neighbors, employer, etc?

If we are going to enjoy the benefits of what Jesus is building...then we must be in ALIGNMENT with His protocol and structure. Ignoring or blatantly disregarding these elementary things will begin to produce evidence of misalignment.

Some Misalignment Indicators:
  • Ignoring vital relationships 
  • Disrespect
  • Slothfulness and sloppiness in work
  • Loss of desire
  • Self-promotion

Attempting to build outside His pattern makes us doomed for demolition from the get go. Following His blueprints ensures that every area of our life will FIT and LAST for many years to come. Furthermore. we cannot assume that we can FIT with everyone else if we refuse to FIT with those who keep watch over our soul.
Our church is a reflection of our homes. Whatever is going on in our house will flow into the church house. Let's keep it HEALTHY and HOLY so we can experience a HAPPY life together.
We are helping Jesus build HIS church...NOT our personal ministry. When we seek recognition for the work we are being paid to do or volunteer to do...then we've made it about our own personality rather than His eternal purpose.
Let us hide behind His cross and allow all the glory to go to Him. It's HIS building. It's HIS pattern. It's HIS name we are attempting to make famous. We will see HIS church built when we seek HIS face in prayer, repent of areas of weakness and determine to do better going forward.
This is my word for today...possibly the next decade..."HEALTHY!" I am determined more than ever to get healthy and stay healthy.

Friday, March 20, 2015

The University of Diversity

When I look at the beauty of nature, it's clear to me that God loves DIVERSITY.  Look at how many different types of trees, flowers and animals there are.  All of these embody God's DIVERSE nature but more importantly His love.
Although similar, each is distinct with it's own differences and uniqueness.  Fish live in water and have the ability to swim and get their oxygen from the water. Yet, they are DIVERSE in their color, size, swimming patterns, etc.
We can see DIVERSITY in everything God's hand touches.
Look at the people around you. We are all similar yet very different.  DIVERSE in size, skin color, shape, temperament, gender, age and ideas.  God placed in each of us the ability to produce a DIVERSE population called "mankind."  Every people group, with their unique characteristics, came from Adam and Eve.  Our very existence reveals God's fingerprint of DIVERSITY!
Jesus told His church to "GO TO ALL NATIONS" and "PREACH TO EVERY NATION and KINDRED and TONGUE and PEOPLE!" (Matthew 28:18 / Revelation 14:6).  God intends to remove all BARRIERS to INCLUDE everyone! His INCLUSION demonstrates His extraordinary love for EVERYONE.  His example is our example.  We must reflect His love by embracing DIVERSITY!
We must not LOSE God's desire and heart for a DIVERSE family. God's love belongs to everyone and He wants His church to reflect this value for all individuals, not matter how different they may appear.
Our church should reflect the DIVERSITY of creation. When we demonstrate how HIGH, DEEP and WIDE His love is to the world...we are reinforcing the fact that in God there is neither Jew nor Greek, no bond nor free, no male or female (Colossians 3:11).  In other words, within the heart of God, RACE, STATUS, GENDER - neither any human characteristic that makes us different from each other - DOES NOT EXIST!
Our uniqueness, as humans, speaks of how COLORFUL God's palette really is!  Together, we are a beautiful portrait of His family.  We are an extension of His creative imagination but most of all we are a representation of His unconditional love for all.
God knows exactly what He's doing!  He created ONE CHURCH with various cultures. Look at the 12 Disciples...each had their own personalities, backgrounds, spiritual challenges, etc.  They had various issues that arose from their DIFFERENCES.  Early on, the church was put to the test on handling issues arising from DIVERSITY (i.e., the issue of eating of meats offered to idols - 1 Corinthians 8:4-8) of culture.  The Apostle Paul admonished the Corinthian church to be SENSITIVE to their brother and sister by understanding one another's culture and upbringing.  He does NOT make the issue a "right" or "wrong" but rather an issue of LOVE and CONCERN for your brothers or sister.  SAMENESS was not the goal...but rather living PEACEABLY in love with one another was.  Paul knew that LOVE would be the GREATER WITNESS to the world!
“Diversity” is not limited to ETHNICITY and COLOR but has a larger scope of definition that exceeds human characteristics. His church must be INCLUSIVE of DIVERSITY in gender, age, disabilities and ideology. 
  • Do we (the church) make room for the DIVERSITY God has created within the church?  
  • Do we embrace women as equal partners?
  • Do we make all ethnic groups feel welcome and whole in the church?
  • Are we sensitive to and do we make accommodations for people with disabilities?
  • Do we embrace those with differing viewpoints?

Perhaps DIVERSITY is the greatest CHALLENGE facing the church!  How can we live together as ONE FAMILY and embrace, VALUE, APPRECIATE, CELEBRATE and most importantly LOVE our differences?

Can we preach (live) the gospel by accepting DIVERSITY; by accepting God's heart of unconditional love?

My dear FAMILY (brothers and sisters in Christ), we must sincerely love each other and recognize that God’s family is multicultural and DIVERSE. 

We may not reach the same conclusion on our viewpoints, but can we trust and surrender to the Spirit of God to lead us into truth—the gospel of love? 

Are we patient with one another and the Spirit, to allow God to do His work within His family (individually and collectively)? 

Is there enough of God’s Spirit of unconditional love within us to tolerate our individual differences and to see each other from God’s eyes and heart? 

Is there a point where we can meet together on our similarities and unconditionally accept our differences? 


I believe the point that bridges all divides is CHRIST! 
  • Christ in you (and I), the hope of His glory (Colossians 1:26-28). 
  • God invites and desires all to sup at His table; and He has a seat for each one; for you and me (John 3:16).
Thank God we are seeing more people (and churches) graduate from the school called "FLESH UNIVERSITY" and are now enrolled in the UNIVERSITY OF DIVERSITY!