
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Popcorn Prophets & Peddlers of Deception

Our role & goal as Christians is to bring people to Jesus and make DISCIPLES. (Matthew 28:19-20). We are called AS disciples TO make disciples. (An ongoing process.)
We are to DEVELOP people to full maturity, enabling them to be able to stand on their own two feet in Spiritual Maturity so that they can live PRODUCTIVE, PRACTICAL lives as they are INFUSED by the Spirit of God until the coming of Jesus.
Nowhere, in Scripture, are we called to flock to self-proclaimed "POPCORN PROPHETS" who are seeking to make a name for themselves through showmanship, circus environments or extreme emotionalism...while playing on the emotions of the spiritually immature and the emotionally weak.
Mature believers are wise and discerning to these bags of tricks and keep that foolery at an arm's length.
We must beware of this spirit that is loose, even in "the church" that it doesn't infect the earnest. Pastors must warn against the charlatan spirit (a person who falsely claims to have special knowledge or skill; a fraud) that is manipulative & seeking to make a name for themselves at the expense of the Kingdom of God.
I see more and more of this today; people swept away with emotionalism...caught up in a conjured up atmosphere of so called "spiritual gifts & prophetic utterances" that are nothing more than hyped up emotionalism & feelings that are worked up into a frenzy.
I believe God moves in many ways. He has the power to manifest in thunder, lightning, earthquakes & a still small voice. He's God all by Himself and He can manifest as He so chooses. I'm thankful for the manifestation of the Spirit & I practice & promote the Gifts of the Spirit as outlined in Scripture in my personal life & in corporate gatherings...with the guidelines of edification. (Every gift must edify Jesus or else it's just a noise maker & an attention getter for the one demonstrating.)
However, as a Pastor, and someone who's been raised in Pentecost, I have become keenly aware of those in the body of Christ who seek to Capitalize on Conjurings. Sadly, they have a following of misguided & unlearned folks who are looking for a reed shaking in the wind. (Matthew 11:7)
Why does the church exist? Is it to have services & meetings where we all give each other words, work ourselves up into emotional frenzies & see who can scream the loudest?
I say no. The church exists to produce CHRIST FOLLOWERS. We must WIN them & PREPARE them for their MINISTRY in the church & life MISSION in the world! We must teach people how to live GOOD, HONEST, CLEAN, WHOLESOME, PRACTICAL lives. We must teach people how to OVERCOME in spiritual & practical ways...even in their finances, relationships, career, education, etc.
How silly is it to see people swept up in emotionalism, screaming, prophesying, running after signs & wonders...when they can't even balance their checkbook or keep the oil changed in their car. I know that sounds silly...but we CANNOT sit by and allow people to be "taken advantage" of by PEDDLERS of DECEPTION.
Pastors: Protect your flocks from wolves in sheeps clothing. Warn them of this type of spirit. Challenge them to stay in the Scriptures & not to be moved by emotionalism & ego driven eccentrics.
Hebrews 13:7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
Philippians 3:17-19 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

Monday, April 23, 2018

Dear Pastor


1) It's Monday...RESET yourself. Go back to your WHY.
2) The time you take to RECOVER & RESET is never wasted time. It could be the difference between success & failure.
3) God would never call you to do something just to watch you fail. You may have hit a speed bump. Be encouraged! RESET & RESUME!
4) After the death of John The Baptist, Jesus went to a desert place. When processing emotions, take time to RESET.
5) Pastor, you need a Pastor. Even the best surgeon can catch the flu.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Five Things For Thursday

1) Don't allow the enemy to control you with the fear of rejection. Be who you are & people who appreciate your flavor will be drawn to you.
2) Success burns like a flame and many are drawn to it. So don't confuse those who love you with those who only love your success.
3) They're people from your THEN that your heart is drawn to. But be clear: they're not a part of your NOW because they're a hazard to you.
4) When greatness is inside of you it has to be drawn out. Sometimes it is the attack that draws the greatness out.
5) Whatever you've drawn closest to you will grow in your life. Be sure you're nurturing what you want to grow & starving what you want to die.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Where You Sit Determines What You Get

Jesus had 5 Distinct Levels of Relationship:

1 - John the Beloved
3 - Peter, James & John
12 - Disciples
70 - Sent out two by two
Multitude - Followed Him everywhere He went

Each level of relationship had its own lateral & vertical depth.

LEADERSHIP (i.e., mentorship, coaching, Father/Son connection, etc.) is much the same. (1, 3, 12, 70, Multitude, etc.) ... not in matters of hierarchy but in matters of relational equity.

Relational equity = a relationship in which time and emotional investment has been made that renders an increased value from which to draw.

As a Pastor, I have relationships with many people. However, I would have to say that each relationship is different based upon the individual. I guess it could be called “tiered” in some aspects. I have relationships with my staff, ministry leaders, volunteers, parishioners and acquaintances. The development of each is a process which requires trust, time and shared interests.

The key is knowing how to effectively lead each level. These relationships can be modified over time. However, the principles of how you interact with each remain the same.

Where you SIT determines what you GET.

What My Father Taught Me

This is my father...Rev. Ray Hylton.  

He is... 

My pops
My mentor
My council
My spiritual father
My pastor
My friend
My listener
My voice of reason
My example
My corrector
My encourager
My prayer partner
My confidant

I want to thank him for teaching me about the power of SACRIFICE. He taught me about the power of a strong work ethic, spiritual disciplines, devotion unto The Lord & family life.

My father worked 30 years in a factory and pastored a church at the same time (for many of those years & he still does). Before that, he served in a local church & held up the arms of our pastors. He was FAITHFUL & FRUITFUL  and I rarely recall a time that we didn't attend service. I watched my parents clean the church, pick up people for church, drive the bus, teach classes, serve in the altar, cook meals, shovel snow, mop floors, raise other people's children, and the list goes on.

My parents raised us (my sister Venita & I) to run after God with our whole heart. They never acted "bothered" when they were asked to DO more or GIVE more. They just DID what they did out of DEVOTION unto The Lord.

You see, they knew that SACRIFICE has the ability to get God's attention. Anytime you read in Scripture of someone making a SACRIFICE unto The Lord, it always moved the hand of God to manifest a miracle!  

Sometimes God is looking to see how FAR we'll go and how MUCH we'll give.  When we live "OUT OF OUR DEVOTION" unto The Lord...we are willing to make any sacrifice and it's not even a sacrifice!

Parents who make God & Church optional shouldn't be surprised when their kids will not make Him a priority either. 

I'm definitely not perfect. I strive to be half the man my father is. 

One thing I desire to do before I leave this planet is leave a LEGACY for my kids...AND GRANDKIDS :)...that I loved JESUS so much that I was willing to DO WHATEVER He asked me to do...and not COMPLAIN about HOW MUCH I DO as if HE is a BURDEN or a TIME CONSTRAINT.

You can never do enough for we musn't kid ourselves to think that we already do enough for Jesus.  Friend, when we're standing at the crossroads between LIFE & DEATH...we won't be saying, "I did too much for The Lord", we'll be saying, "I wish I would have done more."

Give your all...because He gave His. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018


The complexities of ministry are best understood in retrospect. As I look back over my shoulder, I see more clearly the path that God laid for my future. 

I didn't set out to "pastor."  I did, however, feel the "pull & desire" to SERVE in ministry wherever, whenever & whatever.  It's as I served the Lord & His leaders that doors began to open for me. Doors I didn't imagine. Doors that my leaders helped open for me, through the Holy Spirit's leading. 

I remained "undercover" (and still am). I never made a move without FIRST coming to my leader(s) & laying before them the burden & burning of my heart. Then I left it there & kept doing what I was doing. No rush. No hurry. Sure, I was full of excitement & expectation but not looking for a "new thrill"...when everything God had for me was already before me & if I would just OCCUPY what I was already NOW would produce my NEXT.

When the Lord begins to order your footsteps, He ALIGNS you. 
  • He aligns you to His Kingdom purpose
  • He aligns you with those you're serving 
  • He aligns you in such a way that there is no confusion

The ALIGNMENT structures the ANOINTMENT 
that equips you for the ASSIGNMENT!

There remains in me an inward confidence & a Godly fear all rolled into one.  A confidence that God will NOT fail, has not failed and never will fail. This knowledge keeps me on the edge of my seat with an expectation that God is at work IN all things and THROUGH all things in my life. 

When you feel the STIRRING of The Lord, it's not always a change of BOATS...but rather a knowledge of where to best CAST your NET for Kingdom Harvest.  It's so important to be in covenant with a spiritual father/mother who will GUIDE you, PROTECT you & COVER you.  Without their blessing & covering, you'll be tempted to do things in the FLESH while trying to classify it as "The SPIRIT" leading.  For this reason we find a DIFFERENCE in those who are SENT and those who WENT. (Read more about this subject)

God is a God of order. He doesn't operate in confusion, coercion or collusion.  He operates in the LIGHT.   For example: If God has truly spoken to me about something He wants me to work towards, He will have me consult with those I'm "under" & "submitted" to.  He WILL NOT have me get everyone else's opinion (those who I'm not submitted to), work my own plan & then try to lay it out before my leader as if it's an already done deal. He will have me operate in ALIGNMENT because ALIGNMENT structures the ANOINTMENT that equips me for my ASSIGNMENT.

In the Kingdom of God, PROTOCOL is PARAMOUNT.  Without it, we are a runaway train heading down the wrong track.  May I also add, a dangerous practice in the Body of Christ is identifying ourselves by titles BEFORE our gift is fully proven.  (Notice that the early church knew this & set up PROTOCOLS when laying hands on anyone.)

If God has CALLED you, rest assured He will QUALIFY you...and it won't be in the way you see it or expect it.  We must get our eyes off of PEOPLE and quit listening to POPCORN PROPHETS who are gifted in TALK but lack a quality WALK in the Kingdom of God.

Friend...everything isn't "Thus saith The Lord!"  Allow me to teach here:  It's best to give prophetic words without a label. There's no need to say, "The Lord said or the Lord told me to tell you" unless necessary. 

Stay in ALIGNMENT & you'll receive the ANOINTMENT for the ASSIGNMENT.
