
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Five Things For Wednesday

1. Good morning! Let's be PRODUCTIVE & PURPOSEFUL today!

2. You can't keep saying "I hate this job" & expect to be creative & productive in it...or fulfilled by it. SPEAK LIFE over it.

3. With God fruitfulness is not optional. He expects us to BE productive with what He's given us. (John 15:8)

4. Rethink DELAYS. You're not losing time. Your schedule was adjusted. Don't be frustrated. Be productive with that extra time.

5. When you see the people on your TEAM as partners, you will be twice as productive with half the effort!

Monday, August 13, 2018

I'm My Own Boss


What do YOU do when God speaks through His mouthpiece to bring correction or instruction to His church or a group of people?A. Get mad at the preacher?B. Let bitterness take root?C. Leave the church?D. Complain to others?E. Stay put & receive it?

1. When a TEACHABLE person receives correction he says, “I stand corrected.” When an UNTEACHABLE person receives correction he says, “I’m being picked on.” #sonship

2. When a student's heart isn't RIGHT towards his teacher instructions sound like insults & correction is mistaken for criticism. #sonship

3. OPEN REBUKE isn't insensitive correction. It is intended to openly address behavior that has AFFECTED or INFECTED those exposed to it. #sonship

4. Thru CORRECTION a father adjusts his son’s life to receive BLESSING. Without this adjustment he falls prey to a bastard spirit. #sonship

5. Gehazi was servant to the PROPHET Elisha. A PRIVILEGED apprentice of a great prophet with great POTENTIAL, but covetousness RUINED his destiny. #sonship

6. Wisdom is NOT connected to age. It's connected to HUMITY, HONOR for GOD & RESPECT for others. Wise people take nothing for granted. #sonship

These are the days that the Apostle Paul warned us about... "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith." 2 Timothy 3:7-8
  • A new church can't mask the internal deliverance needed.
  • A new spouse can't mask the internal deliverance needed.
  • A new position can't mask the internal deliverance needed.
I renounce every stubborn spirit in Jesus' name.Be clothed in humility. GOD resists the proud & gives Grace to the humble.

Father, give us the will to DO, the courage to TRY, the humility to make ADJUSTMENTS & the strength to receive INSTRUCTION.

In Jesus' name...we shall hold to GOOD TEACHING and be KEPT.