Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Monday, July 22, 2019
Ten Things Your Team Needs
1. You need people on your team who help you win & can withstand the weight.
2. You need people on your team who talk more about the vision & dream than they do about taking more time off.
3. You need people on your team who work hard, run with the vision & who are self motivated.
4. You need people on your team who know when your hands are tired & rather than load you down more...they lighten you up.
5. You need people on your team that you don't have to constantly remind to do what they say they are called to do or what you're paying them to do.
6. You need people on your team who practice spiritual disciplines in private so that they can handle the pressure in public.
7. You need people on your team who don't wear you out mentally.
8. You need people on your team who are passionate about what they do & work harder than you!
9. You need people on your team who are gathers & builders not microphone holders & platform seekers.
10. You need a team that doesn't compete with you...but completes you.
P.S. #DearPastor
• #DearPastor One negative person on your team can uproot everything you've built! You need the right people representing you!
• #DearPastor Build your team intentionally. Some want a spot on your roster because you're winning. Not because they're called to you.
• #DearPastor Remove negligent leaders from your team ASAP. If they can't be adjusted, they won't be effective.
• #DearPastor You have to know how to pick your team! You have to hire according to Purpose not friendship.
• #DearPastor No one on your team should be less motivated than you are. If they don't value your assignment, they're on the wrong team.
• #DearPastor If you are liberal with praise in your team it will bless you. The more you give it away the more it comes back to you. (Proverbs 11:25)
• #DearPastor There is a time when you must (in faith) stand up for yourself & stop letting people take advantage of your kind heart.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Don't Ever Speak To My Child Like That!
1. A child who can't be told "no" or be a child that will grow up with an entitlement spirit.
2. Parents, don't always rush to your child's defense when they tell you they didn't like the way they were spoken to or corrected.
3. First of all, common courtesy & respect teaches us that when we're being admonished or corrected, we look people in the eye. We do not look away because we don't like what we're being told. This is learned behavior that carries the connotation of "I am not listening & I do not receive the correction."
4. Imagine being on the job & your boss is speaking with you, but you won't look them in the eye while they're speaking. Not only is it disrespectful, it stems from a root of rebellion within.
5. The same could be said about a student at school who while the Principal is speaking with them won't look him/her in the eye while they're speaking. Not only is it disrespectful, it stems from a root of rebellion within.
6. Imagine being in a youth group at church & your Pastor, Pastor's Wife, Youth Pastor, an Elder or Deacon is speaking with you about something that is basic or even an area of concern & you won't look them in the eye while they're speaking. Not only is it disrespectful, it stems from a root of rebellion within.
7. I remember growing up in church that when the leadership gathered the young people together to address us students about our behavior, the way we represent the church, our families, etc., while away at youth camp, or just reminders, etc....sometimes they were extremely FIRM and some might even say they were too firm....but it TAUGHT US to HONOR & RESPECT those in authority; not undermine them & try to gain an audience with other disgruntled people who didn't like receiving correction either.
8. Our children become adults. Adult have children...and the cycle continues.
9. We always told our child's teachers, pastors, leaders, etc., if our child does something that warrants correction...please do it. We love our child enough to let the village correct them...especially since they have to live in that same village.
10. When you see bullheadedness in a don't have to look very far to see where they got it from.
11. Parents of all children must continue to reinforce RESPECT at all times from our children. Respect for authority. Respect for leadership. Respect for all people. Respect for themselves.
12. If a child rears up in defiance...regardless of age...don't quickly pass it off as a "stage" (of course there are some stages)...but deal with the ROOT of it & stop it in its tracks.
13. Parents who defend their children’s bad behavior with no consequence may one day have to pay a lawyer to do the same.
14. The primary job of Kingdom parents is to raise Kingdom kids in such a way that they become Kingdom adults.
15. Each and every one of us are born looking like our parents, but we die looking like our decisions.