
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Promote What's Promoting You

My father taught me this...
1. Your job may not be your calling; but it is your income. Be grateful for it. Someone took a chance & hired you. Pray for them! Mean them well. Do what you were hired to do. Take nothing for granted. Some people can’t find a job.

2. You ministry opportunity is a result of your calling. It may or may not come with an income. Be grateful for it. Someone, usually a pastor, took a chance on you & gave you an opportunity to use & express your gifts. Pray for them. Mean them well. Do what they have asked & afforded you the opportunity to do. Take nothing for granted. Some people wish they had the opportunity you have.

I always say this: PROMOTE what's PROMOTING you. If you attend a church, you should be constantly inviting people to attend it with you. YOU are the biggest PR person for your church & ministry. When your church is posting/ should be the first person sharing it & passing the word along. Seems like a no brainer...but, unfortunately, seems like things have to be spelled out.

Some things are TAUGHT...some things are CAUGHT. You either GET IT or you Don't/Won't. If you get'll catapult your NEXT into your NOW! In fact, it will accelerate in your direction.

My dad taught me to PROMOTE what's PROMOTING me. Whatever is FEEDING me...I should be FEEDING back into it. It's really not rocket's just good old fashioned RECIPROCITY.

Whatever you're wanting God to do for you...start DOING it for God. Cast your BREAD on the water & watch it come back to you.

BLOOM where you're already PLANTED.
WATER your own YARD.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Five Things For Friday

1. Help as many people as you can. But remember this: Lifeguards can drown too.
2. You cannot help everyone but you can help someone.
3. We should make it easy for people to support the cause God put in our heart.
4. Many today focus on the position & ignore the revelation. In my day we sought the revelation & THAT got us the position!
5. If you're lying in bed discouraged, depressed & hopeless let me offer this: things will change. But not without you. So get up! Get yourself together! Go to church. Hear from God. He has instructions for you.

BONUS: When a student's heart isn't right towards their teacher...instructions sound like insults & correction is mistaken for criticism. God told Cain, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it." (Genesis 4:7)

Friday, November 15, 2019

Increase Is In The Decrease

John the Baptist was so powerful & dreaded by kings & yet he spoke only of Whom he was called to represent.
John would model the PRINCIPLE of decrease. He would become hidden so that Christ would become seen.
This PRINCIPLE must remain in the life of leaders. Our FLESH, WILL & PRIDE must decrease so that Christ in us can be seen. This is called consecrated living.
Consecrated living takes ownership for it’s ACTIONS & refuses to blame others for uncrucified PATTERNS of the flesh.
Friend, the danger of BLAMING others for our failures is that we never make adjustments. So, we’re destined to fail repeatedly.
We can't keep hurting ourselves & BLAMING others. We're grown & know better. We can't do wrong & expect right to come of it.
Coach Wooten said, “You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes.”
At times, we can all give in to the fickle feelings of the flesh. Even John The Baptist did. However, while modeling a life of decrease, he followed the instructions Jesus gave him...and today we celebrate John’s leadership.
Friend, increase is in the decrease...if you can discipline yourself to seize it.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thankful For Good Men

There's a lot of negative attention given to men who won't "man up", take care of their families, do right, hold a job, crucify arrogance & pride, serve the Lord, etc., But today, I give a SHOUT OUT to the guys who are...
  • SUBMITTED to spiritual authority
  • Being DISCIPLED while discipling others
  • LOVING their wives/families
  • PROVIDING for their families
  • LEADING their families
  • Are walking FREE from addictions & vices
My thoughts on some GOOD MEN...
---> Nehemiah didn't survey the wall alone. A few GOOD MEN went with him "in the night." (Nehemiah 2:12)
---> Good men die for their families. Good men sacrifice, not regarding themselves, regarding others before themselves.
---> M.L. King, Jr. said, "When evil men plot, good men must plan." Good men plan.
---> "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way." (Psalm 37:23)

IF YOU ARE A LADY, who is looking for a GOOD MAN, look for these attributes...
  • A good man is a SAVED man
  • A good man is a GOD-FEARING man
  • A good man loves GOD'S WORD
  • A good man is a man of PRAYER
  • A good man wins SOULS
  • A good man WORSHIPS God
  • A good man goes to CHURCH
  • A good man PROVIDES for himself & his family
  • A good man will LEAD his family
  • A good man SERVES The Lord
  • A good man is a WISE man
  • A good man is HUMBLE
  • A good man WAITS on God
Shout out to all the GOOD MEN who are here shaming the devil with GOOD CLEAN LIVING & LEADING!

Stay strong!
Hold each other up in prayer!
Keep going!
Raise the bar!

"I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it...."