
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Dude! Don't Be Rude!

ALWAYS express gratitude...even for little things.
Gratitude is a BRIDGE over which future blessings will be delivered.
It's proper etiquette & just basic manners to say, "Please" & "Thank you."
I've met people who act like since they're "the boss" they don't have to say "Please" or "Thank you", because they're paying people to do a job. That may be true, to a degree, but it's not good leadership.
There is NO PERFECT place of employment, church, ministry, school, club, etc., but we would all do so much better if we stepped up our MANNERS GAME.
Also...while we're talking about etiquette...(well, maybe I'm the only talking about it lol)...I would say...
1. PLEASE keep your word.
2. Communicate.
3. Over Communicate.
4. Don't call off sick all the time.
5. Be dependable.
6. Grow up & quit getting offended by everything.
7. Do your best for The Lord, when you're working with people.
8. Be integrous! (By the way, it's NOT integrous to routinely miss church, but your timeline shows you & your kids are all over the city, shopping, playing sports, eating out, at the movies, birthday parties, etc...but you call off every week when it's Wednesday or Sunday? This is NOT integrous. Get it together! Jesus sees everything! We can't lie to Him.)
9. Practice ahead of time.
10. Make copies ahead of time. We know we have lessons, crafts, etc...days we shouldn't wait 10 minutes before service to do what you should have done days ahead of time. ðŸ™‚ Our kids deserve better. Also, we shouldn't get upset when the printer needs toner or paper...and we're in a rush. (We wouldn't be in a rush if we prepared ahead of time.) lol lol lol
11. Be nice.
12. Be considerate.
13. Don't be loud.
14. Chew with your mouth closed. Don't chomp, slurp, burp, dig at your teeth & pick your nose in public. lol lol
15. Keep your pants pulled up.
16. Speak when spoken to.
17. Just because you think it doesn't mean you have to say it.
18. Consider someone's struggle or situation, if they say something rude. They may be extremely stressed & not 100%. Give them some space & grace. You may need that same space & grace yourself.
19. Be prompt. On time. Early.
20. Everyday, look for a way to make someone else's life better. Send a text, email, make a call, send a card, flowers, etc...and just say, "Thank you for all you do!"

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Keep Burning

If we keep putting God second...our children will eventually realize that our faith was CONVENIENT, rather than CONSTANT.

I want to BURN as a living sign to a dying world that JESUS is all that matters! I want my children & grandchildren to know that I BURNED for Christ & never BURNT OUT!

MY PRAYER: "God...set us on FIRE again! Let the HEAT of The Holy Ghost consume us again till all we think about is YOU...Your CALL, Your COMMISSION & Your CHARACTER. Let that same HEAT burn up the CHAFF of COMPROMISE & CONFUSION off of our life. May our children chase the GLORY of God more than sports, academics & busyness. In Jesus' name."

Luke 24:32 "And they said to one another, “Did not our heart BURN within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”

Keep burning friends!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

God Is Smiling

The devil wants to SHAME you & put you OUT, but God wants to CLAIM you & take you IN!

Your worth doesn't hinge on artificial affirmation or religious speculation! God is smiling over you today! He is well pleased with you!

“When the king smiles, there is life; his favor refreshes like a spring rain.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:15‬


Friday, January 3, 2020

Feed, Lead & Intercede

Pastor's carry tremendous responsibility. They do more than "Marry, Bury & Preach." The spiritual responsibilities they carry out on our behalf are many but allow me to share just three.

"Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God..." (Hebrews 13:7)

Pastors are responsible for making sure the flock is fed the word of God. This is accomplished through the preaching & teaching of the Word.  

We are instructed to honor the spiritual authority in our lives because they have been entrusted to communicate God's Word to us. One of the best ways you can allow your Pastor to pastor you is by hearing the Word of God when it's being shared. (And that means you must be in church when they're doing so.)

If a person says, "I don't feel like I'm being fed", more than likely the Pastor hasn't changed the Gospel message they're feeding...but rather the parishioner is too "full" & isn't exercising what they've been fed. 

"Remember them which have the rule over you...whose faith follow..." (Hebrews 13:7)

The Scriptures (Acts 20:28) teach that Pastors have been made overseers by the Holy Ghost & their charge is to lead the flock.  The Pastor operates as an under-shepherd, appointed by the Holy Spirit, to lead God's people under the direction of the Chief Shepherd, Jesus. 

Every Pastor (and every spiritual leader) will one day have to stand before Jesus Christ Himself to give an account for how they executed the great responsibility that was given them to oversee His church. 

Pastors lead.  You can go to them for spiritual leadership, counsel, insight from God's Word in every major decision you make in life. This is how you allow your Pastor to pastor you.  Too often, Pastors get the leftovers of people's decisions & have to help people "piece" together what's left. It's much better to stay under good teaching from a Pastor, who's proven their leadership, then to freelance like a free agent who, when they find themselves in trouble, wander back to the flock bleeding. 

If you'll let your Pastor pastor you, not only will you be in order, you'll be protected under their covering.  A Pastor cannot cover what won't come under cover. 

"...Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give an account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you...Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the saints." (Hebrews 13:17, 24) 

In the early days of the church, with the growth that was being experienced, there arose a great amount of "details" that had to be taken care of. These things included such things as taking care of the widows and those in need.  With the increase of responsibility for the church, it became necessary for men to be appointed to serve by ensuring that these practical (temporal) needs were being met. (We call these men "deacons" today.) In particular, take note of why the Apostles felt the need to delegate these responsibilities to these men. 

Acts 6:2-4 "Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, it is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word."

The spiritual leaders of the church recognized prayer & preaching as two of their primary responsibilities - ones that absolutely could not be neglected. 

One of the primary responsibilities that God has given to a Pastor is to pray for the membership of the church. There are some battles that can only be won on our knees. God has called the Pastor to labor for God's people on his knees. 

One of the best ways you can allow your Pastor to pastor you is by letting him know how to pray for you. Confide in your Pastor. Tell him how to pray for you specifically. Let your request be made known.


"...considering the end of their conversation." (Hebrews 13:7)

Though God gives your Pastor authority to lead God's people spiritually, He does not do so without accountability.  The Pastor is to lead the church by example. (1 Peter 5:3)

This is one of the reasons that God has given specific qualifications for Pastors. It is not something that just anyone can do. (Although some, who can't serve well under another Pastor, think that they're going to pastor one day.)

Only God can truly produce the caliber of character, calling & commitment required to serve in this level of spiritual leadership. It must be PROVEN & proven with evident testimony by those who keep watch. 

See, a Pastor not only KEEPS WATCH for predators that would sneak into the fold & steal away sheep, they also FEND for God's people.   Paul warned about the "wolves" that would enter into God's church in Acts 20:28-29.

Pastors today are FIGHTING off the wolves of False Doctrine, False Prophets & Strife-Causers.  Sometimes your Pastor may do something that doesn't make sense to you. But, remember, he is responsible to look after your spiritual well-being!  Allow him to caution you about potential dangers in your life. 

These are THREE things (plus one) that I wanted to share with you today. More to come.  

Be blessed & may your FAITH be strong as your join with your PASTOR in WINNING THE FIGHT!


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2020! Can you believe it!? New Year's Day seems to come faster & faster in recent years, whether we are ready for it or not. We love New Years because it really is a chance to hit reset on many areas of our lives. It's a time to refocus and stir up the gifts God has placed within us.
If you're like most, you're probably making your list of goals & to-do's. You may have pulled out last year's list attempting to pick up where you left off. But no matter what your goals are, I just want to encourage you with Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
When you commit something to the Lord, it means you place everything about it in His hands. It means you trust Him with the process & with the end result. It also means that you are willing to lay it down & let it go if you sense Him speaking to your heart, "This isn't the right thing for you right now."
Maybe you don't have any specific goals or plans for the new year yet. Maybe you've had some circumstances that have thrown you off course or you've felt overwhelmed by life. Your part is to commit each day to Him & let Him lead you moment by moment.
Someone said one time, "My five-year plan is the same as my five-minute plan—hear from the Lord & do what He says."  You'll never be disappointed by following His leading. His plans are always for your good. He wants to give you hope & a good future.
Today, we join our faith with yours...that as you put this scripture into practice & commit your ways to the Lord, He will direct your steps in the path of success & blessing in everything you set your hand to in 2020!
Russell & Beverly Hylton
Lead Pastors
P.S. Check out our New Year’s Eve message, “Stubborn Commitment” on our Youtube Channel here.

24 S Lynhurst Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46241