
Friday, July 10, 2020

Marriage Is Honorable

Beverly & I married very young. Looking back, we know that it has been MORE THAN LOVE that has kept us together for 29 years of marriage.  We've had our share of joys, tears, struggles & growth. JESUS has been the interwoven thread in our relationship. Without Him, we very easily could have been torn apart at the seam.  Marriage doesn't have to be PERFECT to be BEAUTIFUL.

A few things I'm still learning...

1. Husbands...God did not give you authority in your household so you can get your way. When God gives authority to you, it is ALWAYS for the benefit of those you are responsible for. If you want a great marriage, pursue your wife's well-being above your own.

2. You can get married in 30 minutes but it can take 30 years to have a marriage. 

3. The way a man TREATS his wife is a reflection of his strength or weakness.

4. Before you complain about your wife LOOK in the mirror & ask yourself, "Is God pleased with the way I'm being a husband?"

5. She's my wife, not my child. God took woman out of man's side (close to his heart). I don't rule over her & she doesn't rule over me. We walk TOGETHER in mutual respect, sacrifice, forgiveness & purpose. 

Beverly & I have been teasing back & forth, for a couple of weeks, by calling each other "King" & "Queen."  One thing that makes me smile is that we share a similar humor. We can hear something, see something or say something that will make one another laugh...and we could laugh about it for a few weeks. lol  

Marriage takes work. You have to be committed. You have to be willing to work through your personality differences & quirks. We don't claim to have a perfect marriage, by any means, but we have a GOOD marriage.  When you add the weight of ministry in the mix...we have to remember that God brought us together as husband & wife with an added benefit of a shared calling.  Sometimes the weight is extremely heavy...but God has always carried us through. :) 

These past few months have been tough on marriages. We've prayed for a lot of couples. The stress of what's happening in the world has been intense.  Friends, don't give up on your marriage. Be flexible, quick to forgive, refuse to hold grudges, learn to love one another the way that CHRIST LOVES YOU.

Marriage is honorable.

Friday, July 3, 2020

LIFE Will Happen To You Like It Happens To Everyone

LIFE will happen to you like it happens to everyone. When it does, be sure that you:
1) Have a relationship with the LORD in a personal way...not just a religious way. #NotJustSundaySalvation
2) Have FAMILY who you’ve invested your life into & are loyal. At the end of the day, family is all you have - because most everyone else will walk away from you. Stay close to your family - even with their imperfections! #TheyAreYourPeople
3) Are connected to FRIENDS who consider you a friend & understand what true covenant relationship is. #RideOrDie
4) Have a grateful HEART for all the Lord has done in your life. He's brought you through so many things!
5) FORGIVE quickly. Keep a short list & remember that it is UNFORGIVABLE to be UNFORGIVABLE. Just as Jesus forgave you of your trespasses & are you to do with others.