
Saturday, December 26, 2009

A year in review

As we prepare for 2010, it's difficult for me to believe that 2009 is coming to an end. We've had a great year at BFWC. And yet, we've seen our fair share of challenges in the Christian community as well as America.

2009 at a glance:
  • We began a 21 day fast in January. We felt compelled to give the first month of the year as a tithe for the remaining months. We were drawn closer to the Lord during this fast and experienced spiritual breakthroughs personally and corporately.
  • 2009 became a year of "Back to the Basics" with an emphasis on 1) Lovng God with all my heart; 2) Loving my neighbor as myself; 3) Making disciples; 4) Baptizing them; 5) Teaching them
  • In March we completed the renovation of our Worship Center and held our first services on Palm Sunday.
  • Easter services yielded over 600 in attendance with an increase of new families to the church.
  • In May we celebrated with a Renovation Celebration which commemorated our 10 year pastoral anniversary as well as the completion of our Worship Center, Gym, Administration & main hallways.
  • In June we held one of our largest annual outreaches - Block Party. Once again, we connected with over 1200 people and had a great day of connecting people to Christ.
  • July brought youth camps and we sent over 100 students to summer camp through the generous giving of our congregation.
  • August was a busy month of winding down our summers and preparing for a regular routine again. We hosted our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament and raised over $1000 for world missions. We kicked off our fall quarter with a barbeque and introduced new classes for the fall.
  • In September we enjoyed a lot of fellowship at our Annual Church Picnic. Our fellowship groups continued to focus on connecting people within BFWC through fellowship.
  • In October we hosted our 2nd Annual Generational Impact Conference and enjoyed the ministry of Mark Sarver from Berea, KY. In addition, BFWC hosted the Indiana District Convention.
  • November & December were filled with planning & strategy. We are expecting to break the 500 barrier in 2010 and increase the number of souls won to the Kingdom of God.
  • To date we've witnnessed over 150 souls added to the Kingdom of God; water baptized close to 30 people; 25 people received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
BFWC is committed to the following Core Values (Principles that are non-negotiable)

1. Missions — Every person a messenger of God’s love.
2. Magnify — Every person a magnifier of God’s name.
3. Membership — Every person a member of God’s family.
4. Maturity — Every person a model of God’s character.
5. Ministry — Every person a minister of God’s grace.

Consider joining us for worship this Sunday morning for one of our Encounter services: 8:30 am or 11:00 am.

Visit our website at