
Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Momentum 12-28-09

Dear BFWC Family & Friends,

Today is the last Monday Momentum for 2009. When I begin sending these out a couple of years ago, I mainly wanted to provide a recap to our church family of the previous week, plus announce information for the coming week. I have found it to be a great communication tool.

I am always searching for the best way to communicate:

  • Face to face
  • Public announcements from the pulpit
  • Website
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Twitter
  • Text
  • Bulletin
  • Etc.

It seems we can never “over communicate.” With that in mind, we have concentrated our efforts to provide yet another communication tool through a consolidated “blog”. This will be another way of getting our message out in a timely manner. You can access it by clicking on this link.

From this link, you’ll read my latest personal thoughts, emails, devotions, sermon notes, video vitamins, leadership teachings, tweets, events, etc.

This does not replace our website – it merely gives us another avenue to communicate information, especially my personal thoughts and reflections about life, ministry, church, etc.

A feature you’ll enjoy, is the ability to post a comment to me regarding a topic of interest. I look forward to the feedback and as always, I’m committed to providing clear communication to our growing church.

A.C.T.I.O.N. Night
This past Wednesday evening was exciting as we changed gears in our SERIES. We concluded our “Roman Road Series” and launched the continuation of our Sunday morning series “Holy Spirit Living” on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm.

In both Encounter Services on Sunday, we launched our new series “Get a Grip, Not a Gripe!” Our emphasis was “The Causes & Cure of Discouragement” as we examined the motivation and purpose of Nehemiah. We were also blessed by the music ministry of Kyle & Sierra Reed. Click on the below link to view this message.

Nursing Home
Our Nursing home ministry had a great afternoon of ministry. For more information, contact Shane & Sharon Pierce at

This week at BFWC
  • Join us this evening for our C.A.R.E. & Prayer at 6:30 pm.
  • Wednesday night – last service of the year! (Worship, Preaching, Communion, Water Baptism, and more!) – 7:00 pm.
  • New Years Day (Friday) – office closed.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A year in review

As we prepare for 2010, it's difficult for me to believe that 2009 is coming to an end. We've had a great year at BFWC. And yet, we've seen our fair share of challenges in the Christian community as well as America.

2009 at a glance:
  • We began a 21 day fast in January. We felt compelled to give the first month of the year as a tithe for the remaining months. We were drawn closer to the Lord during this fast and experienced spiritual breakthroughs personally and corporately.
  • 2009 became a year of "Back to the Basics" with an emphasis on 1) Lovng God with all my heart; 2) Loving my neighbor as myself; 3) Making disciples; 4) Baptizing them; 5) Teaching them
  • In March we completed the renovation of our Worship Center and held our first services on Palm Sunday.
  • Easter services yielded over 600 in attendance with an increase of new families to the church.
  • In May we celebrated with a Renovation Celebration which commemorated our 10 year pastoral anniversary as well as the completion of our Worship Center, Gym, Administration & main hallways.
  • In June we held one of our largest annual outreaches - Block Party. Once again, we connected with over 1200 people and had a great day of connecting people to Christ.
  • July brought youth camps and we sent over 100 students to summer camp through the generous giving of our congregation.
  • August was a busy month of winding down our summers and preparing for a regular routine again. We hosted our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament and raised over $1000 for world missions. We kicked off our fall quarter with a barbeque and introduced new classes for the fall.
  • In September we enjoyed a lot of fellowship at our Annual Church Picnic. Our fellowship groups continued to focus on connecting people within BFWC through fellowship.
  • In October we hosted our 2nd Annual Generational Impact Conference and enjoyed the ministry of Mark Sarver from Berea, KY. In addition, BFWC hosted the Indiana District Convention.
  • November & December were filled with planning & strategy. We are expecting to break the 500 barrier in 2010 and increase the number of souls won to the Kingdom of God.
  • To date we've witnnessed over 150 souls added to the Kingdom of God; water baptized close to 30 people; 25 people received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
BFWC is committed to the following Core Values (Principles that are non-negotiable)

1. Missions — Every person a messenger of God’s love.
2. Magnify — Every person a magnifier of God’s name.
3. Membership — Every person a member of God’s family.
4. Maturity — Every person a model of God’s character.
5. Ministry — Every person a minister of God’s grace.

Consider joining us for worship this Sunday morning for one of our Encounter services: 8:30 am or 11:00 am.

Visit our website at

Monday, December 21, 2009

Slapped In The Facebook

I realize we are living in the age of “electronic socialism”. Everyone has a cell phone and most people text. The intrigue of having a personal “website” through myspace, facebook, etc., where you can tell all your business (good & bad), is on the rise.

When I was growing up, if you had one Television in your house – you were considered well off. We made a big jump from the old TV antenna & rabbit ears, to cable. Suddenly, having a television in just one room wasn’t enough. We then installed televisions in our bedrooms, family rooms, living rooms, kitchens & yes, some even have them in their bathrooms. Our kids today wouldn’t know how to act if they didn’t each own their own TV.

The day of personal computers arrived on the scene in the mid 80’s with a flood of “I have to have one!” Everyone went out and bought a computer and by the late 90’s and early 2000’s every home had at least one. Those original computers are now sitting in garages and flea markets across America and have been replaced with laptops (as thin as a pencil box) that we can travel with on planes, trains & automobiles in our briefcases.

Fast forward – now we don’t just have one computer in our house – every member of the family has to own their own computer (with Internet access) while we each sit in front of our own flat screen TV.

So here’s the picture. Sitting on the couch, with our laptop in one lap, our cell phone in one hand, our mp3 player in one ear and the TV remote in the other hand. – Truly we have become TECHNOLOGY ADDICTS.

We are truly in an amazing day of technology. Guess what? I love technology.
I love the fact that when I press send on this email it will travel the virtual highway and reach hundreds – faster than I can blink. I love the fact that I can text message my family, friends and colleagues a message to say, “hello”, “in a meeting – call you later”, “thought for the day”, “meeting cancelled”, etc.

When is too much, too much?

A couple of years ago, I tackled the dangers of “MySpace” and made a whole lot of people angry. I was laughed at, ridiculed, misjudged and the topic of many conversations. I look back now and laugh, because it’s amazing how upset people get when you start dealing with their apparent abuse or lack of etiquette when utilizing social networks, such as “MySpace” or “Facebook.”

I for one am not opposed to technology or the use of social networks. What I am opposed to is the seemingly lack of wisdom that is displayed by frequent users.

This is my perspective – I was raised to believe that you didn’t do anything that would let your good be evil spoken of. (Romans 14:16) In other words, you made sure you kept your slate clean and you walked openly before all men with a chaste conversation and a visible testimony that is patterned after Christ.

Grant it I was raised in an extreme religious environment, where even wearing a pair of shorts supposedly could send you to Hell. (in a hand basket, I might add. ) And yet, even though I was raised in such a strict culture, I still managed to retain some common sense when it comes to keeping my testimony free and clear. I think Apostle Paul was referring to this when he said we shouldn’t use our liberty as an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another (Galatians 5:13).

Common sense is all that is needed when utilizing today’s social networks. I believe we will give an account for every idle word that proceeds out of our mouth (Matthew 12:36) or even through our Facebook posting.

Recently, I was asked to view some comments that were posted on Facebook. Frankly, I was shocked and intrigued at the same time. The ability to share your thoughts (some so personal, that Angels would blush) and to connect with friends or groups of people. Yes, this is quite a progressive way of connecting with people and I even see its value in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a world that it socially connected through technology.

However, what I witnessed more of than anything was a whole lot of idle chatter, loose talk, careless use of “bywords”, and so forth. Married men, leaving comments on married women’s accounts. Women posing with a picture of themselves, with their lips pooched out and all their cleavage showing and their hind end protruding – talk about trashy, invalidated, and desperate!
I thought to myself: “Do people have nothing better to do with their time, then to sit on the computer and talk about how hungry they are?; who their upset with?; pass out insults/put downs?; ask open ended questions, that they already know the answer to, just to get a reaction?; make statements about how they don’t know if they’re going to make it – depressed, down, broke, angry, bitter?; make comments about churches?; get jabs in at people?”
If you’re married and have children, what kind of example is this to your kids? Where do you have time to even be on the computer that much, if you’re raising wholesome, God-fearing, children? In fact, if you’re married or even single – do you want your reputation to be the “easy lady?” Do you want to be known as a man who is viewed as a womanizer and a fornicator?

And did I mention the “bywords”? For those of you have no idea of what I’m talking about – let me explain: a byword is an alternate word you use for a perceived “bad” word or even a “cuss” word.

For example, I was never allowed to use the word “heck” because my parents said that using that word sounded too much like the word “hell” when it was used in a sentence. (i.e., Heck yeah! or What the heck?) (you can smile if you want to – I don’t talk like that – I’m merely giving an example.)

There are several words I feel should be avoided from the lips of a born-again believer. Our everyday words should be a reflection of our everyday conversation with our Lord. Over time, your vernacular changes and the Holy Spirit within you replaces old “bywords” with new “wholesome” words.

It’s amazing the words I’ve seen used on Facebook or Myspace by Christians. What’s even more amazing is the words I’ve even heard preachers use while their preaching or carrying on a conversation.
  • Example: Sucks, darn, shoot, heck, pissed off, dang, crap, jacked up, etc. (This language is not necessary and it certainly isn’t professional.)
Again, we don’t have to talk like we just drank out of Hell’s toilet – just to be culturally relevant. We don’t have to CUSS in the pulpit or on Myspace/Facebook just because we feel we have “liberty in Christ” to express ourselves. We should do our best to avoid bywords. Especially words that cause people to question the purity of our heart.

EVERYTHING YOU TYPE ON MYSPACE AND FACEBOOK – can and will be used against you! In fact, it could hinder you from being hired on a job. It could hinder you from future ministry. It could hinder your testimony years from now when people look back and see what type of language you were using and how “loose” you talked with your friends on LIVE INTERNET about subjects that shouldn’t even be discussed in the open.

How people perceive you – is how they receive you.

Let me encourage you today to clean up your Myspace/Facebook and get rid of the unnecessary language. Remove people from your list who talk nasty, cuss and have no positive influence in your life. You’re better off making the break, especially in your close circle of friends. Surround yourself with people who are going to pour into your life blessing. You’re not being rude by keeping your path clear from unnecessary junk that will ultimately wear you down and destroy your testimony.

Consider yourself a LEADER for the Lord and ask yourself: “Would my spiritual father speak this way?”

Imagine in your mind, right now, the person you have the most respect for in the entire world. The next time you type something on Myspace/Facebook – consider the person you’re thinking of right now…could you see them saying this?

If not, you probably shouldn’t say it, text it or type it.

If I were at your house, looking at your computer, would I be “Slapped in the Facebook” by what I saw?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Flat Tire

Matthew 18:7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
What one thing is most likely to cause a leader to lose sleep? CONFLICTS
Some of the inevitable things in life are
  • Death
  • Taxes
  • And conflicts
Jesus told us, “offences must come.”
  • Conflicts tend to bring out the worst in us.
More resignations are over conflict than for any other reason.
  • Every month 1300 pastors in the USA are forced to resign or fired.
  • Nearly 30% of all ministers have been terminated at least once.
  • In ten years 40% of today’s ministers will be in another line of work.
  • 70% of ministers say that they have no close friends.
  • The divorce rate for USA pastors is up at least 65% in the last twenty-five years.
  • 80% of all ministers day that their work has a negative impact at home.
  • On any day of the week in 75% of all churches, ministry will be greatly reduced because of unprofitable conflict.
  • The conflict is so destructive in 20% of these that the conflict must be reduced before they can accomplish anything productive.
  • The average pastor spends 20% of his time dealing with church conflicts.
As you can see - conflicts can cause major issues not only in the lives of ministers but in the lives of every believer. The key is knowing how to deal with the conflicts when they arise.
Here's an example of a conflict compared to a flat tire:
#1 The Fix The Flat StageWe all have problems that need fixing.
  • The first thing we must do is ACKNOWLEDGE there is a problem.
  • There will always be differences of opinion of how we should fix the problem.
  • We must make a commitment to solving the problem with a positive attitude.
  • Honest communication spoken in love will help the situation.
  • If the problem isn’t solved at this stage…it will advance to the next stage:
#2 The Kick The Tire StageThe emphasis has now shifted from fixing the problem to blaming someone for the problem.
  • Everyone tries to protect themselves.
  • Communication becomes cautious and not clear because the trust level is low.
  • We become defensive of our position
  • When this happens it is now much harder to solve the problem and usually the conflict advances to the next stage:
#3 The Run The Tire On The Rim StageWe have now lost the focus of fixing the problem and the emphasis has shifted to WINNING the argument.
  • Sides are taken.
  • We become convinced that our position is the only one which is right.
  • Communication becomes exaggerated and distorted.
  • It is now impossible to solve the problem without repentance and starting over with the earliest stage.
#4 The Shoot The Driver StageWe no longer care about the problem. All we want is to get rid of those trouble-makers.
  • Divorce has become our goal.
  • People become divided into different camps…and each camp has its own leader, banner and battle cry.
  • Trust has been destroyed and we are no longer satisfied with just getting our own way.
  • Now what we want is to get rid of the driver.
#5 The Run The Car Off The Cliff StageWe are not satisfied with a divorce. We now want to make somebody PAY.
  • We are full of vengeance and believe we are acting to defend God’s position.
  • We believe it would be immoral for us to stop fighting God’s cause and the conflict goes completely out-of-bounds.
  • We tell anyone who will listen about those terrible people and try to ruin any influence they may have with others.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Process of Fruitfulness

Matthew 28:19-20 19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.THE GREAT COMMISSION
Six Steps in the process of fruitfulness
1. Implantation means to instill or fix deeply.
  • 1 Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
2. Pollination is the effect of one plant on another.
  • Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
3. Germination is the process by which the seed dies, then springs forth to life.
  • John 12:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
4. Irrigation is the process of supplying needed water for crops to grow.
  • Psalms 1:3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
5. Cultivation is the act of plowing and preparing the land.
  • Mark 4:20 And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.
6. Fruitfulness is the harvest from the seed.
  • John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Seven Acts of a Visionary Leader

1. Understand the need of vision: It's importance, it's impact, and it's potential application. You must devote serious time, energy, study and spiritual commitment to discerning God's vision for the ministry.
2. Own the vision: God had developed the vision for you specifically; it fits your ability, your situation, your gifts and your opportunities.
3. Make the vision real: This takes planning, goal setting, and some standard of accountability by which you mark your progress.
4. Cast the vision: The vision will inspire the follower to sacrifice personally in order to accomplish God's will. Make it simple, say it often and make it burn!
5. Put the vision into action: Part of your responsibility as a leader is not only to identify, cast and sell the vision, but also to insure that it becomes a reality.
6. Refine the vision: Understand that the core elements (the heart) of the vision will not change but the methods by which we bring it about will.
7. Reinforce the vision: Always reinforce the follower's decision. Always encourage the team that without their hard work and continuing passion, it would never be accomplished.
BFWC Leader - what two things could you do personally to ensure the vision of BFWC comes to pass?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Power of Partnership

TEAM = Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
There is great power released in partnership with other members of the team. How can you as a leader improve the power of partnership with the leadership of BFWC?