Making God’s Will Number One - Matthew 6:33 33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
We must make God’s will the number one priority of our lives. How do we do this?
- Serving Him instead of “mammon” (material wealth or greed).
- Focusing on that which is good, true and righteous.
- Using earthly treasurers to help other people.
God wants to provide for our physical needs.
- He is able and willing.
Tomorrow will take care of itself.
- Realistically we only have enough energy to deal with today’s issues.
- We have no control over tomorrow or the future for that matter.
- Worrying about it will only distract us from today’s obligations.
- Believe me…tomorrow will still be there.
How do I make God's will number one?
- Develop a sturdy spiritual life.
- Surrender you will entirely.
- Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading.
- Follow the Scriptures.
- Trust God’s providence in every situation.
- Seek Godly advice from wise people.