Spending time in Dallas, Texas this week at the NPN Conference. I'm getting connected and reconnected to a group of PCG pastors from around the nation who are sharpening me.
We've discussed areas such as:
Leadersnet website - a place for PCG leaders from around the world to connect for resources, etc.
CPI - Church Planting Initiative.
Conflict Resolution & Restoration process.
We were also blessed to meet with Robert Stearns from Eagles Wings Ministry for a couple of sessions. Our hearts were challenged by the insight we gained concerning Israel and the end time events that are unfolding.
Pastor Jon Jennings
Fountain of Life, Phoenix, AZ |
Pastors Kevin & Cynthia Jerls
Northland PCG, Kansas City, MO |
Wayman Ming, General Secretary |
Charles Scott, General Bishop |
Joe & Teena Skiles, National Youth Directors |
Daniel & Rhonda Davis,
Messenger College Presidents - Joplin, MO |
Joe Skiles Sr., Solid Rock Family Church
Jefferson City, MO |
Robert Stearns, Eagles Wings
Clarence, NY |
While in Dallas, I was blssed to visit with Kyle, Sierra & Anaya Reed. They are doing well and enjoying their studies at Christ For The Nations and life in Dallas, TX.
Kyle, Sierra & Anaya Reed |