However, I must position myself to "hear" from the Lord by spending time reading and dwelling on the Word.
Believe me...the enemy wants to hinder my ability to spend time in the Word. He pulls out all the stops every time I determine to dive into the Word of God. Whether I'm studying, meditating, reading or even researching.
Hindrances to "hearing" from God:
1. Skepticism
- Hearing from the Lord involves FAITH. I must believe that the Lord wants to speak to me.
3. Inability to hear
- Over involved in other people's business, crowded with stress and burdens, can cause spiritual deafness.
- A hardened conscience is resistant to God's Word and cannot receive it.
- Not spending time with God can block my ability to hear from Him.
1. His Word Guides Me
- When I spend time in the Word of God I can distinguish the voice of the Lord over the voice of the enemy.
- As a musician, I can tell when something is out of tune. The same can be said of the voice of the Lord in my life after I'm "tuned" in. His Word draws me closer to his voice and purifies my thoughts from clutter. Therefore, I must feed my spirit daily with the Word. If not, I'll get "out of tune" and make the band sound lousy.
- When the Lord speaks something to my spirit His Word will bring a settled peace. This is important, especially when I have an important decision to make. His Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
5. His Word Defeats The Enemy
- Whenever fear or anxious thoughts come against my mind, I use the Word of God (memorized Scripture) to cancel them out! Remember when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness? He answered the devil with the Word.
- I love a good meal. The Word of God is spiritual milk that causes me to remain full and enhance spiritual growth.
- Want to receive revelation and wisdom? Spend time FEEDING your spirit with the Word.
How does this help me hear from God? Praying in the Spirit is a direct link to God. When you pray in the Spirit several things happen:
1. You release your faith.
2. Prayer perfects (enhances) your spiritual ears.
3. Offering "thanks" confirms that you "believe" what you have "received."
4. Stay thirsty! If you've lost your thirst...ask Him to restore it.
5. Don't forget to pray in the Spirit every day.
Want To See A Change?
1. Decide today to make a change!
2. Get rid of all your excuses!
3. Start immediately! (refuse to put it off any longer!)