
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 6 Devotion 1-16-11

A Path of Trust

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

God expects His people to trust Him, and He is a trustworthy God! We were created to live our lives in dependence on Him. Our knowledge is incomplete, our wisdom is inadequate, our power is ineffective; so… we need our Creator. Sin in its very essence is failing to trust God. These verses in Proverbs tell us how we are to trust Him.

We are to trust Him entirely (verse 5). God wants us to trust Him “with all of our heart.” That means everything from our salvation to physical, mental, and social needs. That includes trusting Him with our families, marriages, jobs, relationships, finances, abilities, weaknesses, health, accomplishments, and failures.

We are to trust him exclusively (verse 5). God commands us to not depend on our own understanding. Why? Because it’s fundamentally flawed with an infection of sin. God knows it all from beginning to end. He even knows the number of hairs on your head.

So follow His leading from His Word, prayer, and Godly counsel. He is on your side, so trust Him! In all you do, in every decision you make, you are to trust His wisdom, not just with big things, but also with the little things.

Prayer Focus

Pray that you will be fully convinced of His trustworthiness. Take time to praise Him today for who He is and what He does. Take time to thank Him today for His direction on your path and the path of your church.

Truly, we are making a difference together. Pray this continues and even expands.