
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

12 Years Ago Today

Twelve years ago today, Beverly, Kaitlyn and I came to Indianapolis to serve as Pastors at Bethel Family Worship Center.

I remember having a conversation with the Lord prior to coming to Indianapolis that sounded something like this..."Lord, I'll do one of three things...1) Start a work from scratch 2) Serve another pastor with a large vision 3) pastor an existing work." 

As if, God is Monty Hall and this is
"let's make a deal!"

I've learned, you don't give God a list of things you WILL do and you WON'T do.  He knows the desires of your heart but He is GOD and He is sovereign enough to keep your feet on the path that leads towards your destiny.

If God has "called you" to pastor a church then He will keep you where He planted you if you're willing to go the distance.

If God is going to do  a work THROUGH you,
He'll have to do a work IN you.

In my humble opinion, churches that exhibit a pattern of growth are pastored by men and women who are committed to longevity. 

Our ministries will either be characterized by a
"WEED MINISTRY" or an "OAK TREE" ministry. 

Weeds shoot up over night and see fast results.  However, they don't have much root and are easily plucked up.  On the other hand, oak trees take a long time to reach maturity.  It's roots run deep and if you look at it's insides you'll see "RINGS" which are actually layers of bark that were added during each season of growth.

Long term pastors will have to pass several tests:

Money Test

I have learned over the years that I must depend on God way more than I depend on people.  God has always been the biggest giver in our church.  We've all heard the cliche "If it's God's will than it's God's bill."   

You can't preach to make people happy.  If you try to design your messages so they don't offend your "big givers" than you're actually "selling" God out.  If your desire is to keep the "big givers" happy than you're no longer're being led.  My vision is not for sale.

Scrutiny Test

Not everyone will celebrate your vision.  Ask Joseph.  Ask Nehemiah.  In fact, Nehemiah had to deal with people who lied about him and spread rumors about his leadership. 

"Look at Nehemiah, he's trying to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem so that he can make a name for himself."  Of course, Nehemiah's friends came to him and said, "Nehemiah, you'd better come down off the wall and put out these fires of gossip...they're talking about you down here."  Nehemiah simply responded..."I'm not coming down off the wall to put their fires of gossip out...they'll light them faster than I can put them out...I'm STAYING ON THE WALL and doing a work for God!"

Some people "hate ya, cause they ain't ya!"

Your vision will be scrutinized, criticized and ostracized.  What are you going to do???? GIVE UP????  NO SIR!!!!  If God called you...then God will keep you! 

DO NOT let those who have never actually done anything for God define what they believe you can or can't do in His name!

Belief Test

You have to keep believing no matter what the circumstances look like.  God is the one that called you. 

I remember facing serious challenges early on.  Good people can do some not so good things when they lack teaching and understanding of biblical protocol.

During a particular hard time I remember praying, "God I don't need this headache!  I don't need to put my family through this!  This is nothing but JUNK!  God, I just want to do what You called me to do, but perhaps I should do it somewhere else, these people are obviously not embracing the vision You gave me and it's clear to me that they just want to fight one another and me too."  God specifically told me, "I didn't call you here, to leave tomorrow."

If God has called you ... and I mean GOD....not daddy, mommy or bad pizza you ate before you went to bed which caused you to dream...then HE WILL KEEP YOU THROUGH IT if you simply BELIEVE!  (There is a fine line between faith and stupidity)

After 12 years, I've found that the further I go the more faith it takes to keep going! 


Not everyone that starts with you will stay with you.  There is a difference between people that LIKE you and people who are committed to the vision of the church.  You will not be able to please everyone and still pastor.  Your sermon choices will make some people mad.  Your leadership will draw unwelcomed opposition.  But those who feel called to the vision of the HOUSE will stay with you because they see the vision as their own.

You will have to ask your people to SELL OUT!  Don't be afraid to ask for commitment!  Ask your people to DO what you're willing to do!  I've found that people actually want to be held accountable and pushed towards commitment.  The more you expect from them the more they will rise to meet the expectation.

It is not my job to do all the ministry of the church.  Rather, it is my job to equip the church to the work of the ministry.

Pastor...if you do all the ministry...then you're people will let you do it.  Unfortunately, some pastors feel that they have to maintain the role of "SUPER PASTOR" because they may have an insecurity issue and need to feel needed or because the culture of their particular church dictates that the pastor does everything.

But, if you do it all...then you're people will cling to a climate of "having their needs met" rather than being a vessel that is USED UP for the Lord!  Believe me, you don't want to have a church full of people who just want their needs to be met!  You want a church full of people who want to meet the needs of others!

Ask your people to STEP UP!  Jesus wasn't afraid to ask for people to sell out!  (John 6)  He did lose some, but the ones who stayed with Him were able to see more happen and accomplish more than they could have dreamed!

Perspective Test

Keep the main thing the main thing! 
  • "Pastor, I feel we should do this." 
  • "Pastor, I feel you should do this."
  • "Pastor, I feel we need to start a ___________________ ministry."
  • "Pastor, I feel we're not doing a good job meeting this ______________ need."
  • "Pastor, when are we going to do ________________?"
There are lots of things you could do.  But I don't think you should do EVERYTHING that people bring to you.  Sure, it may be a good idea...but it may not line up with the vision God has called you to.  Remember, everything has a season.  It may be a good idea but the timing is off to implement it now.  If it be of God, hold it, it will still be God later when you have a peace about birthing it or releasing it.

The last thing I need to do is fill my calendar with MORE ACTIVITIES and PROGRAMS.  They can be good but they can also BOG you down and slow your vision.  I'm more concerned about the spiritual health of our people than their busy ministry schedule.  You can get out of balance in this area if you're not careful.

Keep it all in perspective!  Know what God has called you to do BEFORE you do it.  This will free you up from over committing to things that will actually slow you down.  Don't get hijacked by people, programs or productivity

Bethel Family Worship Center .... I love you!  Serving you this past 12 years has been a great privilege!  I've grown and I'm still growing. 
  • Thank you for allowing me the freedom to be creative and experiment with new ideas! 
  • Thank you for loving me unconditionally. 
  • Thank you for overlooking my faults and mistakes! 
  • Thank you for embracing my family and treating us like your own family!
  • Thank you for taking such good care of us!
  • Thank you for honoring us on our birthday's & anniversaries!
  • Thank you for praying for us!
  • Thank you for being faithful & fruitful!
  • Thank you for being real!
  • Thank you for committing to the vision!
  • Thank you for striving for excellence!
  • Thank you for being loyal!
  • Thank you for your enthusiasm!
  • Thank you for your friendship!
  • Thank you for your sense of humor!
  • Thank you for loving your church and community!
  • Thank you for committing to discipleship!
  • Thank you for the wonderful ways in which you SERVE!
  • Thank you for living a Godly lifestyle!
  • Thank you for loving each other!
  • Thank you for the cards, emails, texts, etc., that constantly keep me encouraged!
I also want to express my love to Beverly & Kaitlyn!  I couldn't do what I'm doing without you!  You shoulder the load of our calling with strength, courage and passion.  I'm a better man, husband, father and Christian because of you. 

Most of all...THANK YOU JESUS!  You saved me, called me, equipped me and will sustain me!