
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The PERFECT Church???

Have you ever been to the "PERFECT CHURCH?"  There's a lot of churches to choose from today...unfortunately, perfect isn't one of them.  In fact, if you find a perfect church, it won't be when you get there. 

God uses IMPERFECT PEOPLE to FILL, BUILD, and CARE for His church.  So yes, your church is imperfect.  Many of you know this about the church you attend.  And yet, you continue to attend it, serve in it and give to it.

Perhaps the preaching is too boring or it's way over the top?  
Perhaps you wish the messages were more "meaty" and less "surface?"
Perhaps the music is too progressive or not traditional enough to your liking?
Perhaps there needs to be more fellowship?

You guessed it...our church is IMPERFECT!  

I've heard a ton of excuses of why people don't go to church: 

  • "We don't do enough missions work" 
  • "I don't like the music" 
  • "I don't like to shake hands all the time" 
  • "I'm not a hugger"
  • "I can have church at home"
  • "If I go, I want a more seeker-oriented environment where I can just blend in and give or serve only if I'm up to it."
  • "The preacher keeps preaching to me"
  • "Everyone knows I've been divorced"
  • "My ex-wife goes to that church"
  • "Sunday's are my only day off and Wednesdays...well, you know...I'm just too tired.   Besides my DVR quit working so I have to stay home if I'm going to get to see American Idol."
  • "The ushers don't let me sit where I want to."
  • "They always ask for money."
  • "I'd go if they served communion every week."
  • "There's not enough parking.  I had to park in the grass last week, and I didn't like that at all!"
  • "Can't I just go to church when I feel like it?  Why does the Pastor make me feel guilty if I miss ONE service?  Can't I just do what I want, when I want, where I I want?"
You guessed it...the excuses are flowing today.  It seems that the church just has way too many inadequacies.  However, I'd say the church you attend has a staff or team of people who are REAL and GENUINELY concerned about God, His people and doing things RIGHT.  The truth is, those people are probably missing some big things and making mistakes.

However, the Bible teaches us that God uses churches like this.  Churches that we would consider...IMPERFECT, awkward and sometimes off.  The truth be told, these are the only types of churches God can use because these are the only kinds of PEOPLE He has to work with...SINNERS.  

I don't care how long you've been saved, how many Christian books you've read, how many ministry conferences you've attended...YOU ARE IMPERFECT and just a sinner saved by grace!

Griping about an imperfect church is redundant when the person griping is imperfect themselves.   

I've often said, "I can either be part of the solution or the problem."  If my church needs to change...then perhaps...I NEED TO CHANGE first.  In other words, BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE!

How can I change my church?
    • If you really want to see your church change...then start by being there consistently and faithfully.  Honestly, you can't complain about a church you don't even attend routinely.  When you walk through the encourage your pastor more than you know!  When you attend Bible study, fellowship opportunities, prayer gatherings...your attendance MAKES A STATEMENT to the world that God's church means something to you!  It also speaks to you that church is more important than anything on Sunday's & Wednesday's.  Also, part of being committed is to be at your place of service at the right time.  If you SIGN UP...SHOW UP!  The church is depending on you!
  2. Show up ON TIME
    • When did walking in 10 minutes late every week become acceptable?  You wouldn't do that at your place of work.  Well, if you wouldn't be employed there for long.  Being late stresses everyone out!  The Children's teachers...have to stop what they're doing to accommodate your kids tardiness...thus, restart the entire lesson to make sure your child get's caught up and doesn't feel left out...THAT'S RIDICULOUS!  PUNCTUALITY is the PRACTICE of PRINCES!  When you're on are making a statement about how much you care about the LORD!  Friends, getting to church early and on times helps your church become the church God intends it to be!  If you're supposed to serve in a particular area, make special effort to not only be on time, but be early!  Give the attention to your ministry that you would to something you value such as your job or your favorite hobby.
  3. Stay POSITIVE
    • Walk in with a smile.  Sometimes you have to fake it till you make it!  You may be going through something that's real tough (we do from time to time) and you just need to cry.  That's OK, because the church is the first place you should feel free to cry.  Don't come in wearing a mask...but also don't come in with a super-critical eye.  Come ready to GIVE BACK to the body with your GIFTS and TALENTS.  Come intending to be FED the WORD, but also DISCIPLE and ENCOURAGE others.  Come READY TO LOVE and FORGIVE and HUG and FORBEAR.  Talk good about your church.  Greet guests warmly, advance the churches goals and ministries with a SMILE!  Be positive...not cynical.
    • Start and end everything with PRAYER!  Before you walk through the doors of the church, pray for your pastor and the staff.  Pray for the Spirit's presence to be POWERFUL in the service and in the preaching.  Sanctify the entire service with prayer!  Ask the Lord to USE OTHERS and to USE YOU in that particular service.  Every Sunday should be the SUPER BOWL!  Church isn't something to simply check off the list for the week.  Church is the expression of Jesus in the world!  WE ARE THE CHURCH!  We must BE THE CHURCH!
  5. Look for SOLUTIONS
    • If you see something that needs fixed...FIX IT!  Determine to be a DIFFERENCE MAKER!  Do what JESUS WOULD DO!  Find out who's in charge of what needs fixed and asked them if you can help!  In other words, STOP COMPLAINING about a dirty bathroom or a gap in the children's ministry, politely and kindly bring this to someone who can affect change and offer to help.  The pastors and the staff don't see everything.  They sometimes need some help from committed members on the ground level who can give them some constructive feedback on services in the church.
Determine today to be the SOLUTION...not the PROBLEM!  Give 100% and watch your church become BETTER...because of YOU!