
Monday, August 13, 2012

Stop Hugging The Trunk

We first read about Elijah in 1 Kings 17 - he's referred to as one of the greatest prophets in the Bible.  One thing for sure...we know he was BOLD!
  • There's no evidence of him coming from a family of prophets...
  • There's no indication that he had special connections with the "higher up's"...
And yet, he marches into the king and pronounces a TOTAL DROUGHT in Israel for many years!  WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?  What kind of guy is he that he possess such AUTHORITY, CONFIDENCE and BOLDNESS?

Here's why...HE HAD A WORD FROM GOD!

All you need is a WORD from the Lord!  One WORD from God will put you in a place of AUTHORITY!  That's what gave Elijah the courage to step into the supernatural because he had heard from God and believed what God told him!

Friend...if you are a believer...then you've already received a certain amount of REVELATION from God!
  • We've received the TRUTH about SALVATION and believed it!
  • When we share that TRUTH with others we witness the miracle of the NEW BIRTH in the lives of people around us!
Elijah prophesied the drought before it came to pass.  

God was the AUTHOR and Elijah was the INSTRUMENT.  

Elijah's willingness to risk everything for what God had shown him was one of the key elements that PROPELLED him into LEADERSHIP!

LEADERSHIP IS COSTLY!  The faint hearted never become anyone's hero.  It's risky to do what God lays on your heart!
  • God knew that Elijah's obedience to Him put Elijah's life in jeopardy.
  • God provided a hiding place for Elijah by the brook Cherith where God commanded ravens to feed him!
  • Can you imagine being fed by the birds?  I guess Elijah could have said at that moment, "this is for the birds!"

Being OBEDIENT to God puts us in a position to receive SUPERNATURAL SUPPLY!  I believe when we obey the Lord, regardless of the cost to us personally, God is compelled to SUPPLY our needs!

There is no need for God to SUPPLY our needs when we aren't doing ANYTHING that requires more than what we can PRODUCE!

We don't experience divine intervention until we get out on a limb!  Stop hugging the trunk and go where the fruit is...out on the limb!  Sometimes the wind will make the limb not be be fruitful, we have to let go of our security blankets and take a leap of faith!

More to come...