What is it that makes people want to BELONG to the Jesus Culture? I'm not referring to the worship band from California...I'm referring to a particular CULTURE of people.
A CULTURE of people that, through a shared philosophy, form a TRIBE.
In 2009, I read a book that clarified what happens when cultures of people come together under a collective umbrella of thinking. Seth Godin, a marketing expert, in his book, "Tribes" defines a TRIBE as a group of people who are...
- Connected to one another,
- Connected to a leader, and
- Connected to an idea.
For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another.
A group needs only two things to be a tribe:
- A shared interest &
- A way to communicate.
In Mark chapter eight, Jesus taught His disciples and the multitude that gathered to Him, that whoever wants to join His tribe must:
- Let Him do the leading
- Embrace suffering
- Be self-sacrificing
It's this kind of thinking that birthed a CLIMATE that Jesus sustained in His inner circle. In fact, He sustained it long enough until it produced a CULTURE of thinking that revolutionized LAW THINKERS into GRACE THINKERS.
Jesus' Culture is layered with SUB-CULTURES...
- Servant-Leadership
- Father-Son Relationship
- Covenant Partnership
- Charitable Stewardship
- Apostolic Apostleship
- Successive Discipleship
- Mutual Fellowship
- Accountable Mentorship
No one has influenced people more than Jesus has.
- Are you part of His TRIBE?
- Do you THINK like He does?
- Are your VALUES the same as His?
More to come....