Friday, April 26, 2013

Do You Have Trespassers In Your LIfe?

Do you have any TRESPASSERS in your life?  I'm referring to the schemes that the enemy plots against you in the form of FEAR, REJECTION, INSECURITY, RESENTMENT, BITTERNESS and UNFORGIVENESS.

If so, they have NO RIGHT to be there!

Let me explain it this way.  Each of us have have a CIRCLE of PROTECTION around us.  However, when we allow the enemy's attacks to take root in our life, that circle breaks and a gap is formed that can leave us open for ongoing attacks and unresolved issues.

For a moment - look at UNFORGIVENESS.  Years ago, I read Jim Bakker's book, "I Was Wrong."  His "tell all" book was every bit informational as well as inspiring.  One of the things he really zeroed in on was FORGIVENESS.  Jim was quoted as saying, "God has forgiven me for so much; but He has also let me know that I'll never get out of here until I forgive every person that ever hurt me."

Think about that!  

Whether it's something you did or something that was done to you... 

The only way out of the PRISON of RESENTMENT is through the DOOR of FORGIVENESS!

Look at what Jesus said, "If you have anything against someone, forgive - only then will your heavenly Father be inclined to wipe your slate clean" (Mark 11:25 TM).

When you're hurt by something that someone has done to you or someone you can bring a lot of emotions to the surface.  Anger is one of those emotions.  Is it wrong to FEEL that way? NO.  

The Bible teaches us to "be angry and sin not." (Ephesians 4:25 KJV)  It's not wrong to BE's just wrong to be angry and then sin because of that anger.

If you feel like sinning because of how you feel then here's how you deal with it:

Before you can CHANGE your feelings,
OWN them and then CONFRONT them!

Believe me, this will be a PROCESS!  The last thing you'll need while you're processing through this is some of "Job's Comforters" to come along and tell you that you have "no faith" or that you're "acting immaturely."

Jesus said, "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." (Matthew 5:4).  Not only is it healthy to express your emotions in the right way, it's self-destructive not to.  When you try to "stuff" them, they just drop from our conscious into your sub-conscious, and what you refuse to deal with then begins to deal with you.

If you don't deal with those emotions, eventually they will begin to BREAK OUT in other areas of your life in things like workaholism, over-eating, substance abuse and other forms of compulsive behavior.

I love this passage - (Psalms 84:5-7 TLB) "Happy are those who are strong in the Lord, who want above all else to follow your steps.  When they walk through the valley of weeping, it will become a place of...blessing and refreshment...they will grow constantly in strength."


More to come...