
Friday, August 2, 2013

Hello Influence!

As a young man, sensing the call of God on my life, I knew that God was calling me to share the Good News of Christ to everyone within my sphere of influence.  At age 15, my sphere of influence was pretty much limited to my friends at school, church and in the neighborhood.  

I didn't have a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account to blast my thoughts and feelings around the world, 24/7.  I didn't have a cell phone to text with or a computer to Skype with.

If I wanted to share my thoughts with my friends, I had to ask permission to use the old yellow rotary phone that hung on the kitchen wall and I had to be able to explain the purpose for the call. That old phone had a cord that seemed to stretch the length of a football field.  If I couldn't use the phone, I waited till school the next day to connect.  

I didn't realize what influence was. I really didn't comprehend how The Lord wanted me to share His Good News other than what I had seen modeled before me in our church. I simply thought that by getting behind a pulpit and doing what I had seen others do was all there was to it.  "Just opening your mouth and letting God fill it" seemed to be the accepted way of really communicating the Gospel, in the culture I grew up in.

The Holy Spirit, time, wisdom and mentors have helped shape my understanding of what influence is and is not. 
  • Influence is more than being the loudest person in the room.
  • Influence is more than popularity.
  • Influence is more than a position or title.
  • Influence is more than a credential. 
  • Influence is more than a family name.
  • Influence is more than your education level.
  • Influence is more than how many Scriptures you can quote.
  • Influence is more than the ability to name drop.
  • Influence is more than being the most liked person.
  • Influence is more than networking with the right people.
  • Influence is more than political maneuvering.
  • Influence is more than riding someone else's coat tails. 
  • Influence is more than knowing what to say at the right time.
  • Influence is more than having money.
  • Influence is more than how many attend your church.
  • Influence is more than how big your budget is.
  • Influence is more than how many books you've written.
  • Influence is more than your tenure.
  • Influence is more than your speaking schedule.
  • Influence is more than talents and gifts.
  • Influence is more than smooth talking.

Simply put, influence is
the ability to drive action!

Webster's Dictionary
defines influence as the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command.  
A person of influence has the ability to rally people to a cause without using their position as a controlling factor.  

We can expand our sphere of influence and achieve our calling with greater effectiveness when our actions and attitude match our speech.
  1. We must be the change we wish to see in the world.  If we aren't "walking our talk" we dramatically lessen our influence.
  2. We must take the initiative in using our influence to produce a positive outcome.
  3. We must paint a clear picture of the vision God has called us to.
  4. We must appreciate the efforts of those who are helping us.
A true test to see if you're influencing someone as a leader is to turn around and see who's following you.  If no one is following're not leading.

People may follow you for all kinds of reasons.  Here's three that I think of often:
  1. They follow you because they have to - you are an authority over them.
  2. They follow you because they need to - you have something they want.
  3. They follow you because they want to - you influence them in a positive way.
Obviously, influence is where it's at!  If we use it in the right way, it can help us overcome obstacles and move a group of people towards a goal!

God wants us to fulfill our calling!  A positive influence will go a long way in helping us get there!

More to come...