
Sunday, August 14, 2016

10 Things

  1. Don't give up on God, yourself or your dream! There are angels, resources, & people on standby waiting on you to BELIEVE again.
  2. Recalibrate your faith! Don't abandon your ASSIGNMENT because of your struggle!
  3. If you serve in ministry, spend at least twice as much time FILLING up as you do POURING out.
  4. The time you spend indulging in a VICE is wasted time. Put that time to better use.
  5. Say about yourself only what GOD has determined about you thru the finished work of Christ!
  6. God doesn't need great circumstances to make you great. All He needs from you is a RELENTLESS FAITH that refuses to give up!
  7. Some people are repeatedly disappointed, so they give up. Others are repeatedly disappointed & become more DETERMINED than ever.
  8. Even if your "WANT TO" and your "HOW TO" aren't in sync, don't be discouraged or give up hope! God is at work within you!
  9. People usually give up when they fail to GIVE THOUGHT to God's integrity, faithfulness & power! THINK and then give THANKS!
  10. We FIT where God has placed us, not where we feel we should be placed. Your assignment will not EXPIRE unto you do! Don't give up on it!