Thursday, December 14, 2017

Stop Prostituting Your Gifts & Talents

pros•ti•tute: put (oneself or one's talents) to an unworthy or corrupt use or purpose for the sake of personal or financial gain.

1. Never prostitute your call (trying to sell your gift to the highest bidder).

2. Never go to a person or a place that is willing to give you big money/offerings, because of your gifts/abilities. ONLY go because it is an assignment by God.

3. Never refuse to go to a place that God is telling you to go, simply because they cannot afford to pay your price, for a gift & calling that you cannot operate without God.

4. Stop feeding your pride by playing on your gifts.

5. The spirit of humility will be one of your greatest assets.

6. As long as you are humble, God will continue to use & elevate you if you are FAITHFUL!

7. You're not entitled or owed anything. You're blessed to even be breathing.

8. Yield, obey, remain humble, accountable & stay under authority.

9. Don't seek recognition by puffing your abilities & testimonies from others, in order to get an engagement or some type of recognition.

10. When you have a Godly fear (reverential fear of the Lord), you'll want to please Him more than yourself.

If you can't do the EASY thing where you'll never be able to handle the HARD thing somewhere else. You must MASTER your flesh, emotions, issues & baggage. God wants to USE you for HIS glory...not yours.

"As I have walked the world—a tramp for the Lord—I have learned a few lessons in God’s great classroom.” - Corrie Ten Boom