
Monday, July 23, 2018

Don’t Let Your Mouth Mess Uo Your Miracle

Some people aren't looking for solutions. As a matter of fact, answers aggravate them. They've grown accustomed to complaints. 

When we’re working for The Lord, excellence is our pursuit...irregardless of what it takes to complete the task. 

"His disciples responded, "What do you expect us to do about it? Buy food out here in the desert?" Mark‬ ‭8:4‬

Jesus had so much compassion on the hungry crowd that He was looking for a solution to feed them. 

He expresses to His disciples His heart to feed them. The disciples respond with a sense of doubt & aggravation. 

Almost like they’re saying, "Great...He’s giving us more work to do. Doesn’t He know that we’re hungry too? Doesn’t He know that we need to eat at some point ourselves? Man...Jesus is always putting us in these pressure moments & expecting us to just make it happen!"

However, Jesus already knew that there was a SEED of loaves & fishes in the crowd. He already knew what He was going to do. 

The point willing to FLOW without complaining or being aggravated. God already has a SOLUTION...He’s just wanting you to experience the miracle too!

Don’t let your mouth cause you to miss your miracle. 

#AllForJesus #Excellence #GivingItOurAll 😁🙌🏽