To ANYONE serving in PASTORAL MINISTRY today...Jesus was betrayed by Judas...but when the guards came to take Him...He asked for the release of His disciples. John 18:9 "He did this to fulfill his own statement: “I did not lose a single one of those you have given me.”
- The sheep belong to Jesus. Your heart may break when they fall away & get tangled up in the cares of this world...but remember...they belong to Him not you.
- You can only lead people that are willing to be led.
- You are not called to everyone.
- Pour your energy into those who's hearts are teachable. You'll exhaust yourself & die an early death stressing over stubborn people.
- Take as many with you as possible...on the journey. Provide for them teaching/guidance/Biblical truth...but leave the results up to God.
- You're not called to defend the truth...just present the truth. The truth will defend itself.
- Stay in your lane. Fulfill the vision God entrusted to you. Stay out of other people's business.
- Remember...if someone comes to you bad mouthing their previous church/pastor, it won't be long till they're saying the same thing to someone else about you. (Even Jesus can't pastor some people...and their boatload of dysfunction.)
- Never stop loving people. Stay in the Word & in Prayer. Preach what God tells you to say...not what's culturally crowd pleasing.
- Walk in LOVE.
- For every one JUDAS...God will give you ten JOHN'S!
- Never pay someone to disrespect you when you can get that for free.
- Remain in FAITH. God called you...He will take care of you.
- Get out of the fishbowl of small mindedness & set your sails for the ocean of GRAND HORIZONS!
- FORGIVE those who have hurt you. Sure, you'll never be able to tell all you know...but you don't have to. Lean on the side of mercy & God will bless you for it. You'll see. :)
Love you much!