
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Leading Your Family

Every man bears the responsibility of leading his family forward in faith. Much weight & responsibility is laid upon the man.
• His family depends on him to provide for them.
• His family depends on him to pray over them.
• His family depends on him to lead them in spiritual growth.
• His family depends on him to not slip back into sin.
• His family depends on him to be a watchman on the wall.
• His family depends on him to remain committed to God.
• His family depends on him to attend church faithfully.
• His family depends on him to not make excuses but adjustments.
• His family depends on him to be ALL in...nothing wavering.
As a man, son, husband, father, Christian, Pastor, etc...I know full well the weight men must carry today. In a world that offers you so many many chances to many opportunities to slip up...MEN MUST stay ROOTED & GROUNDED in CHRIST without wavering!
Are you slipping?
Are your desires for God slipping?
Are you becoming distracted?
Are you allowing generational bondage crop up it's head in your life?
David said, "But as for me, I almost lost my footing. My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone." Psalm 73:2
He admitted that he was beginning to slip.
Friends, there is an intimate connection between the heart & the feet! When men doubt the righteousness of God, their own integrity begins to waver.
I challenge you today...DON'T LET YOUR FEET will COST you dearly.
Be careful of who you're receiving counsel from. If you let the blind lead you, you'll end up in the ditch.
In His Grip,
Pastor Hylton