
Wednesday, April 5, 2023


JEZEBEL (male or female)(controlling spirit) ...

- Will befriend you until they become offended at you.
- If they can't control you, they'll condemn you.
- Will criticize you, it's part of their job description.
- Will talk nice/nasty (nice to you, nasty about you).
- Will talk about you; not with you.
- Will make threats & plot in open & in secret to destroy you.
- Will find weak minded people to do their bidding.
- Will speak the same language as the pastor, but their motive will be to gain position & control. Acts16:16


- The Lord's directive to Elijah holds true for you: Rest. Rise. Eat. Repeat.
- Jezebel is a spirit that seeks to co-opt legitimate authority to accommodate its idolatrous ends. It cannot be coddled or allowed to operate unchecked. It must be confronted.
- The preaching of the CROSS will drive the spirit of Jezebel back to the hellish pit it crawled out of.