
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

In MY Opinion

In my experience, as a minister/pastor/father, I've encountered 2 categories of "ministers".

1. Those who want to "preach" so bad they can taste it.

2. Those who know they're "called" but are bashful/reluctant & maybe even running from their call.

In MY experience...

• Those who fall into the 2nd category - those who are not reaching for a mic...ultimately have fruitful longevity in ministry that builds over time & have increased favor.

• Those who want the mic so bad, they can taste it...jump from this to that, here to there, and pillar to post because they are only satisfied when they are self-satisfied.

Ministry is not about holding a mic.
Ministry is about being held by a responsibility to serve.

Start in the field. If you can serve when no one is looking, where there's no promise of position or "pay" - you won't have to look for a platform...a platform will find you.
