I received Jesus as my savior 45 years ago. (age 8 ) I grew up in the faith & my parents ensured that I was exposed to the teaching of God's Word.
In those days, if you wanted more than rules, that were tight with not much of an explanation other than, "because I said so", you had to dig for more understanding to receive it.
"GOD" has now become a "brand" or many "franchises". If you don't like calling Him "Father"...they are trying to tell us we can now call Him "Mother" or the God who has NO STANDARDS or BOUNDARIES.
The apostate (those who have abandoned the church that Jesus birthed), have turned the truth into an ugly lie...reducing the BIBLE (The Word of God) to a book of quotes, man made rules for Christian living & have given new names to old sins.
Grace has been weaponized to commit any sin you want without consequences. It has become a CROSS-LESS faith where grace is nothing more than a buzzword & living any lifestyle you desire is not only accepted...it's celebrated.
The people who criticize the church are looking for every loop hole & non sacrificial path to make it to heaven. It's like they're saying, "Make it perfect & we'll come".
Jesus said His burden was "EASY & LIGHT". He didn't say there wouldn't be struggle, sacrifice & commitment.
Shaking my head at this confused world we live in. We must hold to The Scriptures as our only truth.
There isn't "Your truth" or "my truth"...there's only ONE TRUTH. Jesus said it was Him. If our lifestyle doesn't line up with His teachings...we err from any truth imagined.
There will never be peace in our lives until we reconcile with the Prince of Peace...Jesus.
The simple salvation plan still works.