
Monday, May 2, 2011

What Is Best For The Church?

I never dreamed I'd have the privilege to pastor such a great church!  When Beverly, Kaitlyn and I came to Indianapolis 12 years ago (May 11, 1999) we had high hopes and a burning fervor in our heart to run after God's design and desire for our lives.  The dream is still alive in us and the journey still fires me up!!!

We are also blessed to serve with an incredible team!  Last night we honored Darrell & Sue Vincent, our JOY Coordinators...(Just Older Youth 60+) for their stellar volunteerism! 

Darrell & Sue serve as a model of excellence when it comes to servant-leadership. 

They arrive early, stay late, help out, sweep floors, take out the trash, stand in the gap, pray for the sick, encourage their pastors, send cards of encouragement, greet guests, cook meals, minister to others, support the church with their finances, communicate routinely, deliver bread...and they do it all with a smile and you never have to wonder if they're going to be at church. 

For all you pastors reading this, you know full well how valuable a "Darrell & Sue" are to you at your church also.  People like that...REFRESH their pastors!

Can you imagine a church full of people like Darrell & Sue? 

I talk with pastors and leaders all the time who express how refreshing it is to have quality staff and volunteers on their team. 

Apostle Paul was particularly fond of Onesiphorus (2 Timothy 1:16-18) whose name means "bringing profit."  Onesiphorus sought out Paul while he was in prison in Rome.  He offered him hospitality, kindness and courage. 

Can you imagine a church full of Onesiphorus's?

If you're going to last in ministry, working with a team is essential.  Each team member will be different and will bring to the table their unique gifts, talents and personalities.  Diversity can add flavor to your team but there are some things that should be a staple amongst all team members.

Each member of the team should SPEAK the SAME LANGUAGE as their LEADER and the VISION of the HOUSE. 

You should NEVER hear the following said from a member of your staff/team:

"That's Not My Job!"
  • If you ask a member of your team to do something and they reply "That's not my job," then rest assured that they do not have a heart that is fully devoted to the ministry.  Your team should walk around with FIRE in their eyes and when they are asked to do something they just make it happen because they are there to SERVE and their answer should always be yes!
"That Can't Be Done!"
  • Sometimes the people who make that statement realize how much work will be required to finish the task, so they just say it can't be done.
  • I don't want to hear it can't be done.  I want to hear someone come up with a solution of how it can be done and their recommendations as it pertains to cost, time and so forth.  That's the attitude I'm looking for.
  • If someone is constantly saying, "It can't be done" they either have a LAZY work ethic or a very small view of who GOD is.  Neither are beneficial for your team.
"I Need More Money & Staff To Make This Happen!"
  • If someone is using resources as an excuse for a stale or declining ministry then you can be sure they are in trouble and have more than likely become spoiled not having to be routinely creative.
"I Want Recognition!"
  • You have to watch out for the team member who is always telling you how much work they do, how many hours they put in and how tired they are.
  • We have to balance ministry with family and everyday life.  But when someone is always demanding attention for the work they've done then you can be sure that either PRIDE or INSECURITY is coming out...and neither are good.
"My ministry needs ________ to...and if we don't get it then..."
  • When a staff/team member begins to focus on his/her ministry more than the church as a whole...then there is a HUGE problem.
  • A good staff/team member will have passion and vision for their particular area of ministry; however, they have an even greater passion for the CHURCH as a WHOLE and will gladly lay aside their plans if it means that it is BEST FOR THE CHURCH.
  • The church will either be a loosely organized group of sub-ministries or ONE BODY with many parts...and if a staff/team member cannot be a part of the BODY then they most likely do not have a KINGDOM MINDSET and will not fit on your team.
Serving in ministry will cost you something! 

There are many people who say they want to be in ministry today but when push comes to shove and the rubber meets the road, they quickly look for the path of least resistance.  Friends, the Lord's work is demanding but is also very REWARDING not only here but in the hereafter.

Determine to give your best! 

Serve WHEREVER, WHENEVER and HOWEVER you're asked to, with a good attitude, humble spirit and a blazing fervor.....and then you'll do what's BEST FOR THE CHURCH. :-)