
Thursday, May 5, 2011

What kind of Cheerio are you?

Proctor Gamble has kept one brand of soap on the market for more than 100 years.  In the process they have reformulated it more than 100 times.

Cheerios have been around for over half a century...since 1941.  Since it's creation, it has held true to it's "O" shape and oat taste.  However, in 1979 General Mills began to add varieties:
  • Honey Nut Cheerios
  • Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
  • Multi grain Cheerios
  • Frosted Cheerios
  • Yogurt Burst Cheerios
  • Chocolate Cheerios
  • Berry Burst Cheerios
Some of the flavors of Cheerios that were introduced, but are no longer on the market include the following:  Team Cheerios, Millenios and Cheerios and X's.

Growth cannot occur without embracing change.

The only thing that is here to stay is change.

If you make a change - you have to be able to tie it to context.  (What's the purpose and reason for the change?)

Change can make people nervous.  One reason is because we feel secure and protected by the way things have always been.

A leader will do 2 things 

1) stick to their core values while
2) incorporating new methods.

Jesus was a world changer.  He brought more change than anyone else in history.  And as a result He was challenged at every turn.  But He met each challenge with a thought out response!

Change takes energy!

Change requires 4 things:

1) Research
2) Revision
3) Responsibility
4) Respect

When should you change your way of thinking?

1. When it violates the Word of God.
2. When the focus is taken off of Jesus.
3. When process and procedures become more important than people and production.
4. When it hinders the advancement of the vision.
5. When it violates the core values of the organization.
6. When other methods would produce greater results.
7. When you have fully counted the cost of change.