What one thing is most likely to cause a leader to lose sleep? CONFLICTS
Some of the inevitable things in life are
- Death
- Taxes
- And conflicts
- Conflicts tend to bring out the worst in us.
- Every month 1300 pastors in the USA are forced to resign or fired.
- Nearly 30% of all ministers have been terminated at least once.
- In ten years 40% of today’s ministers will be in another line of work.
- 70% of ministers say that they have no close friends.
- The divorce rate for USA pastors is up at least 65% in the last twenty-five years.
- 80% of all ministers day that their work has a negative impact at home.
- On any day of the week in 75% of all churches, ministry will be greatly reduced because of unprofitable conflict.
- The conflict is so destructive in 20% of these that the conflict must be reduced before they can accomplish anything productive.
- The average pastor spends 20% of his time dealing with church conflicts.
Here's an example of a conflict compared to a flat tire:
#1 The Fix The Flat StageWe all have problems that need fixing.
- The first thing we must do is ACKNOWLEDGE there is a problem.
- There will always be differences of opinion of how we should fix the problem.
- We must make a commitment to solving the problem with a positive attitude.
- Honest communication spoken in love will help the situation.
- If the problem isn’t solved at this stage…it will advance to the next stage:
- Everyone tries to protect themselves.
- Communication becomes cautious and not clear because the trust level is low.
- We become defensive of our position
- When this happens it is now much harder to solve the problem and usually the conflict advances to the next stage:
- Sides are taken.
- We become convinced that our position is the only one which is right.
- Communication becomes exaggerated and distorted.
- It is now impossible to solve the problem without repentance and starting over with the earliest stage.
- Divorce has become our goal.
- People become divided into different camps…and each camp has its own leader, banner and battle cry.
- Trust has been destroyed and we are no longer satisfied with just getting our own way.
- Now what we want is to get rid of the driver.
- We are full of vengeance and believe we are acting to defend God’s position.
- We believe it would be immoral for us to stop fighting God’s cause and the conflict goes completely out-of-bounds.
- We tell anyone who will listen about those terrible people and try to ruin any influence they may have with others.