"The people closest to you determine your level of success." - John Maxwell
I lift my hand to testify of this truth. When a leader leads, he or she needs competent, Godly leaders next to them. They no longer judge themselves solely by what they can do themselves; their value depends mainly on what they can get done with the help of others.
Moses was a man that surrounded himself with people of excellence. His leadership teaches us four things...
- Direction - he could clearly see the outcome because God had already showed him. As a leader, he simply reminded everyone of the Lord's faithfulness and the fact that God WOULD fulfill His promise.
- Delegation - he made his ego move to the back seat because he preferred a shared responsibility approach. He gave his team both the responsibility and the authority to do the work...in other words, the task became a team effort...not a one-man-show.
- Diversity - he chose his inner circle from among the spiritually qualified. He approved and appointed them according to their abilities.
- Display - his leaders were given public visibility to listen fairly, minister boldly, make decisions based on principle and refer the most difficult cases to him.
I work with some incredible leaders! I watch them closely, not because I'm looking over their shoulder but because they can teach me. I would much rather learn "on the job" from someone that is doing it...than from a seminar, book or training video.
I love to learn from these people...
- Hard workers - these are the people that will do whatever it takes to see that a job is completed with excellence! They have a strong work ethic that is worthy to be emulated.
- Positive Perspective - these are the people that look at the glass half FULL and approach each project prophesying "it can be done!"
- Intelligent - these are the people that seem to have a "knack" to understand just about any equation thrown at them.
- Go Getters! - these are the people that excite me! They pull me out of the pit of slothfulness and start my engine with their energy! When I'm with them, I feel like I can leap tall buildings with a single bound.
- Adders & Multipliers - these are the people who "build" up a conversation with meaningfulness because they look for ways to add rather than to take away through negativity.
- Realists - these are the people who don't sugar coat. However, their words are carefully selected when dealing with tough issues (and every church has them) because they know that it's not what you say but how you say it.
- Relational - these are the people who place value on healthy relationships. They know how to connect with those that may be an extrovert or an introvert regardless of who they are more likely to be drawn to.
- Envelope Pushers - these are the people that are not confined to their comfort zone. I'm always challenged for the better when I see them stretch themselves by being willing to get involved in areas that are not their natural strength or area of expertise.
- Life Long Learners - these are the people that realize that discipleship is on ongoing process. They motivate me because they talk about what books they're reading, who's been speaking into their life, what they learned at a conference, etc. They continually seek for ways to learn and to be a better leader.
- Next Step - these are the people who are always thinking "what is the next step?" They are constantly asking "why", "Why not?", "What's next?", etc.
I'll say it again, I work with some incredible leaders! They challenge me, teach me and help me! They keep me accountable and responsive.
We can learn from anyone as long as we keep a teachable spirit.