Tuesday, October 30, 2012

There's a Lion in You!

What you have done is NOT all you are capable of doing.  God has purposed the LION in you to let out a ROAR that has the capacity to influence others through inspiration generated by a passion that is ignited by a purpose!

As a LION, you must climb beyond the limitations you have placed on yourself.  Your success is not final...and your failure is not fatal.  God has positioned you for SUCCESS!

Throughout the Scriptures, Christians are compared to as SHEEP.  Notice something about sheep...flocks of sheep never have a leader.  They change their pattern of movement based on WHOEVER is in front of them at the moment.  This is why SHEEP need a SHEPHERD.  

What other animal in the animal kingdom needs a human?

When God created you...He intended for you to "HAVE DOMINION" (Genesis 1:26).  To have dominion means: to govern, to rule, to manage, to control, to lead...and to initiate progress! 

Your PURPOSE is to HAVE DOMINION!  God did not create you to be a SHEEP!  Even though we're compared to sheep throughout the Bible...we weren't created to be one.  We were created to LEAD like a LION!

In Matthew 9, Jesus modeled the type of leadership we are to walk in.  At the end of this chapter, He is MOVED BY COMPASSION for His people.

Compassion will move a person to help...NOT...hinder!  Jesus was moved by compassion  upon the people because of their condition.

Human condition is based on the ABSENCE or PRESENCE of leadership.

An army of sheep led by a lion will always defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.  The difference between the LION and the SHEEP is ATTITUDE.

Lion's understand the concept of leadership.

  • Your attitude can promote you faster than your degrees.
  • Your attitude can make you more money than hard work.
  • Attitude separates followers from leaders.
  • The source of attitude is BELIEF.
  • You cannot live beyond your convictions - whatever you believe controls your attitude.
  • Whatever you see with your eyes is not interpreted by your eyes but by your belief system.
  • Leadership is BETWEEN YOUR EARS!

We were all born with the LEADERSHIP SPIRIT
but we can't lead unless we have

The LION is the leader because he BELIEVES he is.

What your attitude CANNOT do for you...
  1. It CANNOT substitute for competence.  Confidence shouldn't be confused for competence. Our attitude may or may not be able to improve our ability to do something.  
  2. It CANNOT substitute for experience. A growing business will eventually reach a point where it has to consider hiring people who have experience and don't need to be trained from the ground up.
  3. It CANNOT change the facts. If I'm only 5 feet tall, chances are I'll never be a center in the NBA.  Maya Angelou said, "If you don't like something, change it.  If you can't change it, change your attitude.  Don't complain."
  4. It CANNOT substitute for personal growth.  You'll never be the man you want to be by waiting to become the man you want to be.  You have to start.
  5. It CANNOT stay good automatically. It takes work.  It's like the farmer that said, "The hardest thing about cows is they never stay milked."  Our attitude is just like that.  It just doesn't stay set.
It's tough to keep a good attitude if you don't purpose to display one early in the morning!  Once you get in the traffic on the interstate and people start honking their horns at you and gesturing that you're #1...your attitude will be TESTED!  Friends, it's better to MAINTAIN an attitude than it is to REGAIN an attitude. 

What your attitude CAN do for you...
  1. It CAN make a difference in your approach to life.  Ever hear the phrase, "All's well that ends well?"  Try saying it the other way around..."All's well that BEGINS well."  Ask any coach of a sports team, and they'll tell you the attitude of the players going into the game will be a determining factor in the outcome of the game.
  2. It CAN make a difference in your relationships with people. Often our difficulty with other people is a result of our own attitude. People who fail in relationships almost always fail in the area of attitude toward others.  Your attitude has a tremendous impact upon your relationship skills.
  3. It CAN make a difference in how you face challenges.  Your mindset is what separates you from being successful and unsuccessful.  Your circumstances and situations can prove to be very instrumental in the your development as a GREAT LEADER!

You cannot always choose what happens to you...but you can always choose what happens in you.  Some things in life are beyond your control.  Some things are within it.  CHOOSE to be a LION today and LEAD!

What you have done is NOT all you are capable of doing!