Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Influence of the Middle Man

You can lead from the top, the middle or the bottom.  Your greatest place of influence may actually be somewhere towards the middle.

The middle? Come on...isn't that where all the responsibility is but none of the power?  Isn't that less money but more work?  Isn't that more to manage but less training?  

The middle...really?

The truth be known, most of the influence within an organization, team, church, etc. comes from the middle and not from the top.  It's from the middle that the success of the mission, vision and values are being LIVED OUT!

How do you gain this type of INFLUENCE as a middle man?

1. You don't need a title.  Having influence doesn't necessarily involve a title or a position.  You can have a great amount of influence from anywhere, especially in today's culture.

2. People will talk about you.  If you are amazing at what you do, people are going to take notice!  When they take notice, they will talk about you! (Hopefully in a good way.)

3. Alleviate someone's load. Your influence will definitely be felt when you anticipate the needs of those you serve.  Understanding how to best serve your leader and removing something from their plate onto yours will speak volumes of your servant-leadership.  Honestly, if you are creating more work (stress) for your leader instead of're diminishing your influence.

4. Never stop cheering! When you can celebrate someone else's victories...your influence in their life will magnify.  Sometimes being an influencer is nothing more than being a cheerleader and mentor to your team.

5. Come along side. Offering to help your peers on an upcoming project will show your willingness to serve the "big picture" and not just yourself.  

6. Do what you say. Trust is huge when it comes to influence. People will accept your failures and your successes if they know you are worthy of being trusted.  Keep your word and determine to make good decisions.

7. Think like a leader! Just because you're not the CEO, doesn't mean you shouldn't lead like you're the one paying the bills!  Taking on the spirit of ownership will change the way you speak and think.  instead of saying "they" you'll be saying "we."

8. Be happy wherever you are!  If you show up every day looking like a dill pickle, no one will want to be around you...and hence, you'll diminish your influence.  Embrace where you are today!  Don't be better!  Be the best where you're at right now!

If you want more information on this topic, I recommend John Maxwell's 360 Degree Leader book.  I read it years ago and it definitely helped me identify:

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