Monday, March 21, 2016

People Like Hearing The GOOD STUFF Too!

When you meet up with people from your past or that you haven’t seen in a while it's only natural to want to talk and catch up. It can happen at a party, somebody's wedding, the church nursery, Facebook or even when you bump into somebody on the street.. Catching up in itself is not a problem. The problem usually occurs when the topic of conversation turns to people you know. While you may want to share memories about the people in your life, you really need to watch what you say. Something innocently said can lead to misunderstanding & in some cases; cause the end of a friendship.

That's why it's important to remember, these FIVE SIMPLE RULES OF GOSSIP: 
  1. Stick to the Facts - When you're telling a story you have your opinion. Unfortunately when you add in your two cents, sometimes it can change a person's perception of the situation. Even when you think you know everything about what went on in someone else's life, you may not have the whole story. So when you're talking about someone else, only say what you know is true.
  2. Never start with "I heard..." - There's a reason hearsay isn't admissible in court. People sometimes hear what they want to hear. As the story is passed from person to person people forget to stick to the FACTS & the TRUTH can get lost in translation. If you don't have personal knowledge from the source, don't spread the gossip.
  3. Know When to Keep It Between FriendsIt's easy to start a conversation with someone at a party or event & slip in a "harmless" remark about someone. A little gossip to a stranger can be a horrible mistake, one many people have made. Even when what you're saying is an "inside joke" between you & your friends, it may be offensive when mentioned in public. What is shared between friends should stay between friends, unless you’ve agreed that it can be shared with others.
  4. Don't Take SidesWhile you may believe that taking sides will show your loyalty, think about what happens when the people you're gossiping about get back together. Friendships & relationships have their ups and downs. They fight, they argue, they make up. The only person that loses many times is the person who took sides, especially when this was done when gossiping. You can't take back the things you've said.
  5. Never Try to Get Back at Someone - This often happens when people break up. It can be a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, friendship or a family relationship. After the initial pain is gone, that’s when the claws come out. Don't use false rumors or negativity to get back at the person you're angry with. Break ups can be temporary, but badmouthing someone will definitely make it permanent. Think about that before you say anything.
For some these rules may seem easy. However if you're a full-fledged card carrying gossip, following these rules can be a daunting task. In fact you may have already lost some friends by breaking them. These habits die hard, but they can be overcome. Remember, people like hearing the GOOD STUFF too. Tell them about the great things going on in people's lives & stay away from the negative. Not only will that make you a better friend, in the end it will make you a happier & more positive person.

Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."