Monday, December 18, 2017


I've lived long enough to know that God is a God of ORDER. When we're out-of-order over HERE...we'll be out-of-order over THERE. God DON'T & WON'T bless a mess. If I want to be successful moving forward, my HISTORY can't be a MYSTERY if I’m trying to get to my DESTINY.
When we are IN ORDER, we will be TRANSPARENT with our whereabouts, dropouts, hideouts, layouts, hangouts & sellouts. God doesn't operate in the darkness...but rather in the light. You can't claim God's WILL when you leave things unfulFILLED.

• I can't have a ministry, if I'm not under a ministry.
• I can't walk in God's economy, when I'm not tithing to my storehouse.
• I can't be in leadership, if I can't submit to leadership.
• It's not about being controlled by man, it's about being submitted to whom He delegates.
To fix the SYMPTOMS, you have to deal with the ROOTS. Cut it out & you'll see how many years the issue has been present by the length of the roots. For some, it may go all the way back to childhood, disobedience, ancestry or even recently. #checktheroots
Four LEADERSHIP BOOKS that have been LIFE changing to me:
1. God's Armor Bearer - Terry Nance
2. Undercover - John Bevere
3. The Bait of Satan - John Bevere
4. A Tail Of Three Kings - Gene Edwards