Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thankful For Good Men

There's a lot of negative attention given to men who won't "man up", take care of their families, do right, hold a job, crucify arrogance & pride, serve the Lord, etc., But today, I give a SHOUT OUT to the guys who are...
  • SUBMITTED to spiritual authority
  • Being DISCIPLED while discipling others
  • LOVING their wives/families
  • PROVIDING for their families
  • LEADING their families
  • Are walking FREE from addictions & vices
My thoughts on some GOOD MEN...
---> Nehemiah didn't survey the wall alone. A few GOOD MEN went with him "in the night." (Nehemiah 2:12)
---> Good men die for their families. Good men sacrifice, not regarding themselves, regarding others before themselves.
---> M.L. King, Jr. said, "When evil men plot, good men must plan." Good men plan.
---> "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way." (Psalm 37:23)

IF YOU ARE A LADY, who is looking for a GOOD MAN, look for these attributes...
  • A good man is a SAVED man
  • A good man is a GOD-FEARING man
  • A good man loves GOD'S WORD
  • A good man is a man of PRAYER
  • A good man wins SOULS
  • A good man WORSHIPS God
  • A good man goes to CHURCH
  • A good man PROVIDES for himself & his family
  • A good man will LEAD his family
  • A good man SERVES The Lord
  • A good man is a WISE man
  • A good man is HUMBLE
  • A good man WAITS on God
Shout out to all the GOOD MEN who are here shaming the devil with GOOD CLEAN LIVING & LEADING!

Stay strong!
Hold each other up in prayer!
Keep going!
Raise the bar!

"I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it...."