Thursday, January 9, 2020

Keep Burning

If we keep putting God second...our children will eventually realize that our faith was CONVENIENT, rather than CONSTANT.

I want to BURN as a living sign to a dying world that JESUS is all that matters! I want my children & grandchildren to know that I BURNED for Christ & never BURNT OUT!

MY PRAYER: "God...set us on FIRE again! Let the HEAT of The Holy Ghost consume us again till all we think about is YOU...Your CALL, Your COMMISSION & Your CHARACTER. Let that same HEAT burn up the CHAFF of COMPROMISE & CONFUSION off of our life. May our children chase the GLORY of God more than sports, academics & busyness. In Jesus' name."

Luke 24:32 "And they said to one another, “Did not our heart BURN within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”

Keep burning friends!