Let’s break these down:
Attend to – this is done by supporting your leaders both in spirit and body. For example, if I’m aware that my leader will be ministering somewhere, I will attend so that my physical presence will provide positive support. Have you ever heard someone say, “I couldn’t be there in body…but my spirit was there.” Friend, the days of excuses are over! If you’re going to “attend” then you must do so in the flesh.
Minister to – when you serve your leaders by supporting them you are coming into a greater understanding of what ministry actually is. Place great value upon supporting your leaders and you’ll find that you are actually operating in an established ministry in and of itself.
Care for – the leaders you’re serving are real people with real feelings too. When you are moved with compassion to minister to them you are moved with the same compassion God has for His children. Everyone needs cared for…including your leaders.
Help, be of use and assist – you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to serve in a practical way. Helping your leader doesn’t mean you have to turn every conversation into a prophetic utterance or a metaphoric spiritual quiz. Don’t be over the top “spiritual” when you serve. Simply do the practical things with excellence, considering what things would bring you comfort. It could be a favorite soft drink, snack or simply starting their car in the winter.
Benefit – are you serving to benefit your leader or yourself? In a day of self-centeredness we must be careful not to allow that type of thinking to prevail in Kingdom service. As you perform ministry, seek to do things that will benefit your leader…not you or your wallet, appetite or position.
Promotion – as an armorbearer, you become your leaders #1 fan! Your encouragement, at the right moment, will help your leader forge ahead, regardless of the challenge. Don’t be a “Debbie Downer” when you’re with your leader. They shouldn’t have to cheer you up…you should be cheering them up with your upbeat smile and positive “let’s make this day count” attitude.
Support – you’re biggest advantage and greatest asset will be your ability to “link” up with your leader’s leadership. Be a strong link in the chain…not a weak one. Your leader has to know that they can count on you through the good times and the bad times. If your lack of support leaves a question mark in the mind of your leader, you’ll not last too long in that honorable place.
Nourish and Encourage – nourishment will build strength and refreshment to your body. The same can be said relationally when we choose to refresh our leaders by enhancing their strength through practical and intentional encouragement. Make it your goal to say something positive each day about your leaders leadership.