Honing this gift takes time. Consider the following:
Consider serving in a way you haven’t considered before. You can probably enhance what you’re already doing just by approaching it another way. Take another look at how you approach serving your leader. If your heart changes so will your actions.
Be content with serving. Serving in and of itself is a esteemed calling from the Lord. When God calls you to serve a leader, He’ll also give you a specific anointing that will be tailored to that particular leader.
Take the high road. The high road is found in the lowly place of humility. If you consider serving a menial, immature stage, then you’re totally missing God’s value system. God places a tremendous emphasis on those who choose to serve rather than be served. In fact, He refers to them as “the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven!” (Matthew 18:4)
Submit to authority. If you struggle with submitting to your leader, you’re actually struggling with God’s authority. All authority comes from God. On this side of Heaven, He chooses to use delegated authority to fulfill His Kingdom purpose. Choosing to submit is choosing to understand the flow of authority.
The time that David spent obeying his father while tending sheep in the less desirable place was actually time spent investing in his future Kingship. Are you being faithful with what you’ve been given? In what ways are you faithful in your position of service?