A leader must be the calm in the storm. You are going to encounter your fair share of turbulence and when you do it is essential that you remain calm and provide a steady influence.
There are two types of storms. Storms you cause...and storms God allows. The storms we cause are created through our willful disobedience to God's Word.
Consider Jonah. Here's a guy who purposely got out of the will of God and didn't want to obey the Word of the Lord even though he knew that he should. He pays, out of his own wallet, a fare to board a ship headed in the opposite direction of God's commandment. (amazing how far some people will go to completely disobey)
Jonah gets in a ship with some people who had no idea that a backslidden preacher was on board. He tries to go unnoticed and fly under the radar. However...when you turn your back on God, He will not let go of you that easy. God will send a rescue party called GRACE & MERCY, sometimes disguised as a storm, to find you.
We often speak of the storm from Jonah's perspective. However, what about the people whose boat he got on? They end up throwing all of their STUFF overboard to support this out of the will of God preacher.
Same for you and I, when we let people on our boat who could care less about where we're going...they just want a FREE LUNCH TICKET and a ride away from the direction that they're supposed to be going in. And during the process, we end up loosing all of our stuff trying to support someone who's causing a storm in our life because of their disobedience.
Then there's the storm God allows. Such is the case of the disciples in Mark 4 when Jesus instructs them to pass over to the other side. A storm brews up on the sea and the waves are so fierce that they now fill the boat. Where is JESUS? Asleep on a pillow. WHAT? Does He not care about us?!
Yes He does. He knew the storm was coming. He was so determined to see us through it that He climbed up in the boat too and said "let US go over to the other side."
He's testing your metal. He's trying to see what you're made of. He's looking for a response not a reaction. The true test of your leadership will come when you're facing an uncontrollable circumstance and remain calm during the midst of it!
The worst thing we can do, when facing an unforeseen storm, is PANIC! In fact, uncontrolled panic is a tell tale sign that the wrong leader is in charge. Your leadership testimony can be lost in 30 seconds of a crisis situation if you do not remain calm and steady.
Nothing will raise a leader higher in the eyes of his/her followers than seeing him effectively handle a crisis situation.
I love the example that Jesus gives here...He just calmly steps up to the bow of the ship and REBUKES the wind and SPEAKS to the sea. PEACE BE STILL.
What was He really doing? First, He was calming the PHYSICAL storm on the OUTSIDE and then the INTERNAL storm on the INSIDE!
WOW! What a method to follow in our own storms!
I want to encourage you today to BECOME the calm not only in your storm but for others as well. It was no accident that Jesus was in that boat with His disciples. Allow God to use you as a CALMING AGENT today.