Monday, November 29, 2010

Are you "UNHELPING" yourself?

Have you heard the phrase "God helps those who help themselves?"  That sounds good...however, it's not actually a verse in the Bible.  Funny thing, I've heard people quote it in church and say ... "the Bible says..."  LOL

Let's get right to the point.  It is unfair to God for us to say "He" helps those who help themselves.  The truth is...God may try to help someone who is working hard to "UNHELP" themselves.

A gambler may think that their Divine intervention is more CASH.  But what good would it do for God to replace all the money that a gambler wasted?  More than likely, it would only intensify the gambler's addiction.

Perhaps, when a guy is hell-bent on ruining his own life in such a way, and doesn't really welcome God's RELEVANT help, the best help God can give is simply to let him do what he wants, and hope he learns his lesson someday.

What do all of us want?  We want happiness, peace, satisfaction, fulfillment, well-being and enlightenment. However, because our human nature is selfish, we end up focusing more on our emotional needs rather than our spiritual needs.  Thus, we do a better job "hindering ourselves" than "helping ourselves."

Friends, ego-directed living is a sure way to go broke emotionally.  By living as ego recommends, a person can prevent ANY form of well-being, and erase ANY degree of happiness.

If our ego could deliver happiness as promised, this would be a happy, happy world.  However, ego loses every time

I would dare say that God is facing an uphill battle in making some people happy.  He takes the blame for so much.  And yet, everything God does is to try to get us to a place of spiritual happiness.  God knows that if we can get rid of our selfish EGO we'll be able to receive His internal satisfaction in our soul.

God helps in many ways.  Just like you do.  You can help anyone; at least you can try to help.  You can do your best.  You can do your best with what you have to work with.  but as far as the EFFECTIVENESS of the help is concerned, there are other factors:  other votes, other wills involved.  There is the matter of receptivity - openness.  And the matter of IMPLEMENTATION - taking the advice.

Though HELP may be given...even good help...
various factors bear upon the effectiveness of it. 

What if a person liberally indulges in modes of thought and beliefs that would make ANYONE unhappy?  Evidently, that person doesn't WANT to be least, not enough to do their part.  That's why I say God is fighting an uphill battle to make some people happy.

Here's a question:  Can God make us happy against our will?

I believe that God's efforts are in vain if we WON'T help ourselves (or at least stop hurting ourselves very effectively).  God can't heal us for long, if we remain busy making ourselves sick.  What use is God's help in building our house of happiness today if we tear it down tomorrow?  And what use is God's forgiveness if we won't forgive ourselves? 

God wants to help us...but we must commit to STOP "unhelping" ourselves!