Thursday, March 22, 2012

Go Ahead & Wear It!

Joseph, favored son of Jacob, wore the coat his daddy gave him.  It was a gift of honor and favor.  The coat was LOUD and Joseph wore it proudly! Joseph wore that coat so long on the OUTSIDE that even when his coat was taken from him, his INSIDES were already transformed.

When your father validates you - you don't have to worry about outside recognition or affirmation.  You won't have to try to make things happen for yourself...your identity is not tied to your performance, works, position or title.  You're secure wearing the favor of your father.  You simply settle into your own skin - wrapped in the DNA of your father.

Joseph ultimately wore four coats.

1. The coat of a SON

  • This coat was given to him by his father Jacob. Joseph received special treatment from his daddy.
  • While wearing this coat, Joseph developed CHARACTER.
2. The coat of a SERVANT
  • This coat was given to him by his master Potiphar.  As long as Joseph was in Potiphar's house, the whole house was blessed with amazing prosperity.
  • While wearing this coat, Joseph demonstrated CONSECRATION
3. The coat of a SUFFERER
  • This coat was given to him by the prison keeper - the warden. Joseph prospered through adversity in spite of being overlooked by the butler.
  • While wearing this coat, Joseph displayed CONSIDERATION.
4. The coat of a SOVEREIGN
  • This coat was given to him by his ruler - Pharaoh.  Joseph had the power to do well.
  • While wearing this coat, Joseph devised COORDINATION.
God loves His children and has promised to never forsake us.  He has already devised a good plan and purpose for our lives.  Even when He allows us to be put in situations and positions where we will need to completely trust in Him, He is teaching us valuable lessons during these times of adversity that we would not have learned in times of prosperity.

God prepares us in the PRESENT time so that we can be a blessing to others in the FUTURE!

Joseph walked through a DIVINE yet painful PROCESS of PREPARATION for leadership.