Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Don't Date a "Playa!" (Ladies please read this!)

WARNING - You might be offended by the content of this blog.

We must educate ourselves if we're going to do better.  Ladies...really? Do I have to write a blog about this?  

First , allow me to address parents - WILL YOU PLEASE MONITOR YOUR CHILDREN?  Kids who are left to themselves will bring their parents much shame. (Proverbs 29:15)
  • DO NOT let your child's boyfriend / girlfriend hang out with your child in their bedroom alone.  
    • Are you kidding me?  You say, "I trust my child." Are you serious? Again I ask, are you serious? If you're allowing this...YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! Get a grip, drink a dose of reality and have someone slap you in the face to wake you up to the real world!
  • DO NOT close the door on any room where your child and their boyfriend or girlfriend are...unless you are in that room with them!
    • Keep all the doors open!  
  • DO NOT let your children stay up all night texting one another!  
    • Take the phone! In fact, read the text messages their sending and receiving.  If everything is honest and above reproach - they'll have no problem with you reading their messages.  If they throw a fit...ask yourself WHY? It's more than a matter of privacy or respect - YOU'RE NOT RAISING A HARLOT at your house!  You're raising a MAN or a WOMAN of GOD!  While you have them in your home...and while you're paying the bills...YOU BETTER TAKE YOUR RIGHTFUL PLACE and RULE YOUR HOUSE!  If you don't...your child, better yet - their boyfriend or girlfriend, will be running your house!
Now where was I?  Oh...

  • Never date a man who treats you like a used Kleenex. You deserve better. You are a Proverbs 31 woman! He don't deserve you.
  • Any man who won't open your car door - won't open his heart to you either.  Kick that "player" to the curb and set yourheart on JESUS! Matthew 6:33
  • Don't settle for dysfunctional behavior. It's not acceptable to be treated like trash. You are not a punching bag!
  • Fall in love with JESUS - He'll send you the right man in His time. Until then, pour your tears on His feet in worship!
  • Will Abigail please rise up? Never marry a fool. (1 Samuel 25:25)
  • Some men will say anything to tickle your ears. But, if they don't respect you, your parents or your convictions - You better throw Jonah over!
  • A man who will embarrass you publicly has no respect for you. Imagine what he'll do in private? Throw Jonah over before you sink!

  • Steer clear of the following...
    1. The "Negavator" - This guy has more pick up lines than a box of tic-tacs.  His name is Mysterio and he wears a dumb looking hat - trying to be cool.  This guy will try to make you fall for him by PUTTING YOU DOWN!  He's the "Negavator" and he enjoys making snippy remarks about you that make you feel like an inch tall.  Somehow he has the ability to put you down and keep you in his pocket all at the same time.  His spirit will jump off on you and you'll end up turning into a "Negavator" too!  You'll end up being rude to all your family and friends in the process!  (The same people who have put up with your junk and know you!)
    2. The "Serial Texter" - Look...I love to text too...however, there comes a point when a guy has to pick up the phone and make the effort to TALK WITH YOU!  The Serial Texter keeps you at arm's length with his magical texting device (aka, his iPhone, blackberry, etc) which he uses as a means to avoid any real conversation. 
    3. The "Back pocket" guy - this is the guy who keeps you in his back pocket for a rainy day; who doesn't remember your birthday, but calls you after someone else dumps him!  And unfortunately, some girls come running whenever he calls, secretly hoping that this time he'll realize he loves you!  Really though, he has a draft text to another girl saved just in case you aren't available. 
    4. The "Mind Bender" - this guy is from another planet.  His sole purpose is to bend your mind through manipulation. He'll convince you that you're the only one for him, even though he's dating 10 other girls...and one of them is your best friend.  He'll use his powers of mind persuasion to get you to run his errands, walk his dog and do his laundry while he sits on the couch playing video games and texting ex-girlfriends.  He'll make you think you're crazy for thinking he's cheating on you with his powers of DOUBLE-TALK and GUILT TRIPS.  Even when you finally break up with him, he'll try to make you think that he's the one who has been wronged.  Kick this GOOF BALL to the curb and keep on going!
    5. "Two Face" - this guy is like sweet and sour chicken at Panda Express!  One minute he's nice the next minute he's mean.  He knows how to whisper sweet nothings (and that's what they really are) in your ear to try to get you to like him - but when he's with his friends in public he acts like you're the bubonic plague.  He won't let you get to know his family or friends and nearly every word out of his mouth is a lie.  He's so good at spinning lies, his lies have little lies inside of them like Russian nesting dolls. 
    6. The "Under Cover" guy - this guy will be around one minute and then disappear for days, weeks on end, only to resurface like nothing happened.  You'd think he's with the C.I.A. deep under cover!  It's more glamorous to think that than what he's actually doing - sitting at home playing Xbox and ignoring your calls.
    7. The "Ish" guy - this guy can never make any firm plans.  He says, "I'll see you Tuesday"ish" or Wednesday"ish" (That "ish" means sometime between 6 months from now and never). The "ish" guy can use his favorite saying for anything.  "When was your birthday?  I want to say "May-ish?"  I love "you-ish."  His lack of commitment for even small things is an indicator he's not for you!
  • Do not date losers.  In fact, you should only date BELIEVERS!  Guys who are SOLD OUT to Jesus!  Guys who weep when they worship God!  Guys who want to talk about Jesus more than themselves!  Guys who lift their hands in worship and carry their Bible!  Guys who don't cuss and talk nasty!  Guys who KNOW HOW TO TREAT A WOMAN OF GOD!
  • Do not spend the night with a man you're not married to!  Who do you think you're fooling? If you go on a trip with a man you're not married to...you'll end up sharing a bed and having sex.  You aren't fooling anyone.  IT'S CALLED FORNICATION.  IT WILL SEND YOU TO HELL. Keep yourself PURE!  Remain a VIRGIN until your WEDDING NIGHT!  That's what God wants for you!  Have something to offer your future husband!  Honestly, once a guy has been with a girl and she's yielded to his pressures - he has LITTLE RESPECT for her at that point!
  • THINK ABOUT YOUR FUTURE! If you're one of those girls who can't stand to be alone...and you feel you have to have a man... you'll more than likely be the girl that gets hurt and messes up her future because she thought a man could fulfill her.  When in truth, NO MAN can validate your worth!  
  • Seek God for who He wants you to be with.  Settle in your heart that you are CONTENT to be married to Christ!  THEN...He will give you someone that has prepared themselves the same way!  The worst thing you could do is settle for the first guy that comes along and think that this is the only guy who will ever like you.  LADIES - there are plenty of fish in the sea!  God will send out a fishing boat to reel him in when it's time!  
I know this blog is bold...however, I GRIEVE at the dysfunction I see in our society and even in the church world.  GOD HELP US!  We must DO BETTER!  Our children's future depends on it!  

I am committed to laying an ax to the ROOT...for I grow tired dealing with the symptoms.  I'm sure someone was offended by this blog...I have no intention to hurt anyone's feelings...my heart is to SAVE this next generation from DYSFUNCTION!  

Committed to raising up the next generation,

Russell Hylton