Monday, January 18, 2016

I Love Faithful People

Faithful people are such a blessing. 

- They show up.
- They serve.
- You don't have to wonder where they are.
- They love what they do.
- They are consistent.
- They rarely offer excuses.
- They inspire others.
- They are a good role model.
- They are usually loyal.
- They give more than they get.

Faithful people inspire me to remain faithful myself. Sadly, people who are unfaithful are hard to count on because they are hit and miss and you just don't know if they'll show up.

I want to encourage you to be a person that people can count on. Do things for the right reason. Don't take advantage of people's good nature. Don't use or abuse someone's patience. Just be faithful and God will bless you! After all, one of the things Jesus is going to say to His children is "Well done, good and faithful servant..."