Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday Momentum 1-18-16

On Sunday, we continued our ‪#‎everyone‬ series with a focus on "The Adulterous Woman." In this message we outlined Jesus' need to go THROUGH Samaria & not AROUND it. He sat down at Jacob's well..."weary from His journey" (John 4:6)
YES, even Jesus was tired from all the ministry & travel He had been doing. His disciples went to get Him some food while He rested. But, His rest didn't last because ministry called & He was face-to-face with an adulterous woman who was thirsty. Jesus recognized her need & gave her Living Water! She went back into town & told #everyone what had happened to her & as a result, the whole town came out to see Jesus! Thus, what was just a resting place became a two day crusade!
Friends, we are called to reach #everyone, irregardless of how tired we are. Ministry opportunities don't always happen on our time schedule. Often, God allows a divine interruption to advance His Kingdom!
This week, God will send people to your WELL. Will you be available to minister to them?