Monday, February 12, 2018


1. #DearPastor, although it is assumed that you have many job descriptions, your primary one is to FEED, LEAD & VISIONATE! Do what you do best & God will help you staff the rest.
2. #DearPastor, people will complain about WHAT they don’t like & WHO they don’t like ... but don’t let your ear become their dumping ground of complaints & gripes. Keep your ear tuned to the voice of God & tell the naysayers to visit the complaint department located in the volunteer office.
3. #DearPastor, love the people God has entrusted to you. They are the HARVEST you prayed for! Never stop investing, even in the ones who are SEASONAL, but especially in the ones who are AVAILABLE & RECEIVABLE.
4. #DearPastor, life will happen to you just as it happens to your members. Live what you teach. If it's the Truth, it will work for you too.
5. #DearPastor, you're a preacher. But you're first a PERSON, a PARTNER (if married) & a PARENT (if you have kids). Don't get lost in the hustle!