Saturday, February 10, 2018

WISDOM - If you need it, ask God

1. You don't always have to prove your point. Wise onlookers can discern the difference. Your SILENCE speaks volumes.
2. "Wise beyond your years" doesn't mean you're wise. It means you have more wisdom than people your age. Don't stop SEEKING wisdom.
3. It's not wise to expose your loneliness, emptiness, or other vulnerabilities to strangers. You never know if they'll PRAY or PREY.
4. Guard the GATES of your life. Everyone doesn't qualify for ACCESS. Be wise. Don't worry about hurting their feelings. They'll heal.
5. I don't care how STRONG you are in The Lord. You need wise leaders with whom you can decompress.
6. EMOTIONS are thoughts you can feel. So it's not wise to speak everything you feel. Some thoughts should never become words.
7. Speak the TRUTH in LOVE, with gracious, wise & humble words so that no one can confuse it with hate speech, even if they tried.
8. "A wise man will hear & INCREASE understanding..."
9. When people misunderstand you it's not always wise to take the time to EXPLAIN yourself. Some will never get you. They don't want to.
10. One of the main differences between a FOOL & a WISE person is how they process moments of godly correction.