Friday, July 6, 2018

A Strong Family

Want to have a #StrongFamily?
1. Couples must WORK TOGETHER as a team. When one is APATHETIC & the other is ENERGETIC, to accomplish family goals, it can cause a rift of FRUSTRATION that pulls you apart rather than together. Never are a TEAM...and teams work TOGETHER.
2. If something needs done, DO IT! Don't waste your day watching TV, trolling social media or saying, "I'm too tired." You'll feel better when you START EARLY and work on things one step at a time until you've accomplished a project or reached a goal.
3. COMMUNICATE. Share your thoughts, ideas and feelings with one another. Avoid times of pressure or stress to unload on your family. The Holy Spirit will teach you to how to discern the appropriate time to share. Preferably when your words can be seasoned with salt. The Scriptures teach us that a SOFT ANSWER turns away wrath.
4. Be sensitive to one another's NEEDS. Look for ways to lighten one another's load. Example: A word of encouragement, a hidden post-it-note that inspires, a text, a gift or even just a smile and a hug goes a long way. When you understand your spouse's (and children's) LOVE LANGUAGE you'll keep their LOVE TANK full and more than likely the same will happen for you.
5. Be God conscious about EVERYTHING. Make pleasing The Lord your number one desire. After all, The Scriptures teach us that if "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these other things will be added unto us."
Beverly and I have been prayer for you and your family. We're on your TEAM and you're on our TEAM. Together, we can develop relationships of STRENGTH for our FAMILY and CHURCH.
I challenge every couple to join us at our next marriage retreat, August 24th- 25th, in Nashville, IN. For more information, click here: