In the past twenty plus years of active ministry, I've talked personally with people who have quit the ministry for one reason or another and found all of them to have regrets for doing so.
As a Pastor, I can honestly say, I've thought about quitting more times than I care to admit. However, I'm always jolted back into reality by the words of Pastor Tommy Barnett, "You can think about quitting, as long as you know you won't!"
There's not a person in ministry today who hasn't thought about walking away from it all at some time or another. I believe the thought of quitting comes when you're tired, exhausted, drained, emotionally spent or even aggravated. These are normal feelings for anyone, regardless of their calling or vocation.
Anyone who has answered the call of God will at some point wrestle within themselves as to whether they were ever called by God. When you add stress, affliction, unforeseen circumstances, family problems, financial worries and personality conflicts to the equation, those feelings will plague you even more. Sometimes, you may go through a dry spell that will stretch out for a period of months or worse yet, even years.
However, quitting is not the solution you think it will be. It is not a "cure all" for the discomfort or even the dissatisfaction you may be experiencing. It only takes one minute to resign, but it could take a lifetime to recover from a flesh motivated decision.
The thought may have crossed your mind, "I could probably make a living doing something else." You're right. You probably could make a great living doing something else. However, ministry is not a's a calling. What you'll find during your best moments and even your darkest moments is you'll never be able to escape the blueprint of God's design for your life. Your soul will crave it. Friend, if your smart enough to be a pastor, whether it's ministerial, administrative or operational, you're smart enough to make a living doing something else. But you will not find it satisfying, fulfilling, or as energizing as the powerful call of God.
We all get tired. If you've pioneered a church or pastored an existing work that has seen measurable growth, you're going to to reach a point in your physical body where you'll need to consider how long you can sustain the stamina required to do what you're presently doing.
In the past eleven years, we've made adjustments to our schedule that has brought more rest to our physical bodies. I realized, by the Lord's promptings, in 2007 that a change in our church schedule was necessary if we were going to be able to serve in the Kingdom with longevity. We started with 22 members, transitioned to two morning services, outgrew facilities, moved locations, renovated buildings, and dealt with a lot of stuff along the way.
We decided to factor in some modifications that would allow for rest and strengthen our families. After all, we're not supermen. A breath of fresh air came back into my lungs. Friend...get some rest, take some time off, go on vacation, see a counselor...BUT DON'T QUIT!
Getting back into the ministry after you quit is not easy. You'll find that once you quit, people will view you differently. Your friends won't call as much and churches will always wonder "why you quit." In fact, most people in general find it hard to place confidence in someone who has quit or makes quitting their pattern. Quitting may look like the easy fix today, but it could take you a lifetime to get back to the place of God's original design.
Maybe you feel like you're not making a difference. You'd be surprised at the number of people who will be affected by your decision to quit. There are many people watching your life and the fact that you've been able to keep the faith, and walk through the ups and downs of life's problems has given them the courage they need to do the same.
If you quit now, what kind of impact will this have on the baby Christians who are looking up to you? Or your associates, leaders, laity and even your children?
Someone cares about who you are and what you do and are blessed by it. Don't quit.
If you quit, you'll look back over you shoulder and realize that those years in ministry were really the best years in your life. Not only for you, but for your family as well.
You're going to have times of discouragement, disillusionment, tiredness and aggravation. However, take it from me...someone who made a decision to quit seventeen years ago, who thought he'd never have a chance again - BUT GOD! By His mercy and grace, He afforded me another opportunity to serve in His Kingdom. I know firsthand the pain involved from making a flesh decision.
I made it back. The story I can tell you would be too long for this blog. I won't quit again. Don't quit. It won't solve anything.
If you think, "he don't know how bad things are" - believe me I do. Give me a call, email me or come see me before you quit.
The Kingdom needs you and you are making a difference! Don't quit.