Most of us would like to change something about ourselves. Perhaps a different body shape, nose, eye color, hair color or even our name. We generally start with the external first. However, that is not always the place to begin. If real change is to take place then I must first begin with my heart. Change must be from the inside outward.
How many times have you confronted your spouse with a problem they have that is destroying your relationship and they plead for another chance and promised they will change? But they never change. It is on the outside that they try to change but do nothing on the inside.
As a Pastor, I see people all the time desiring to change their church attendance. They come for several weeks in a row and then they drop off. What happened? They attempted to change the external without first changing their heart. The change does not last.
Real change on the inside happens when God changes me.
God has His part and I have mine. He is the one who gives me a new heart and spirit. When God changes my heart, I become more sensitive as to how He expects me to live.
Last week, I visited the dentist to have a new "on lay" put over some old fillings I received when I was a child. After the visit, for several days, my teeth were sensitive to cold beverages. Something had been done to my tooth and as a result I was much more sensitive.
Whenever I allow God to work on my heart, I become much more sensitive as to how God wants me to live my life. I become more aware of God as I live each day. When I become dull as to how I am to live my life, it is evident that I have not allowed God to work on my heart in a while.
When real change takes place in my heart, God shifts my attention from simply dealing with my problems to building real relationship with Him.
Focusing all of our energy on our relationship with God helps put everything else in it's proper place. If you have a marriage problem, try building a relationship with your Heavenly Father. Then, all the mess in your life will seem to fall in line.
Also, when God changes my heart, I am aware that there are other people with problems equal to or greater than mine. Now, that my heart has been fixed, I can help others rather than just focus on my problems. When I try to help other people with their problems then my problem looks a whole lot smaller.
Sometimes our problems get big because all we do is focus on our problems. God shifts our attention to the needs of others by giving us a heart of flesh.
My success to dealing with my problem lies in God's hands not mine.
If you are reading this today and know you need to change but are not willing to allow God to change you...then know that lasting change will not come. But, if you'll acknowledge God you'll be successful.
Change in my life is more dependent upon God than it is upon me. We all have things we would like to change about ourselves. Any real change has to occur on the inside and that is where God gets involved. When God gets involved, you will easily recognize the signs that your heart has been changed.